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This is a conversation about pc’s in a informatic shop, this conversation is between a client
and a employee. The name of the shop is Medac Computer’s,
The name of the client is Pedro and the name of the employee is Calos.

A: Hello! Good morning, can you help me with a problem in my pc?

B: Hi! Good morning, what is the problem?
A: My PC turns off by itself.
B: Ah, this probably is a graphic problem.
A. Oh, that’s bad?
B: No! Don’t be sad man, I can fix this problem. Back in few days and your pc will be fixed
A: Okay, which is the price of this?
B: This cost 50 euros
A: Perfect, thanks man, you so kindness.
B: Thanks, what’s your name?
A: My name is Pedro, and your?
B: My name is Carlos.
A. Okay, I see you in few days!
B: Goodbye, Pedro!

-In four days

A: Hi Carlos! How are you?

B: Hello Pedro! I’m fine, and you?
A: Very well, have you fix my pc?
B: Yes! Give to me 10 min, I need to go at work area to get the pc
A: Perfect

-10 min later

B: Okay, here is the computer

A: Oh, thanks so much, my PC is important for me
B: Your welcome, thank you for bring your pc here.
A: Take 50 euros man.
B: Thanks so much.
A: Goodbye, have a nice day man!
B. Goodbye, the same of you!
Pedro Antonio Garcia Jimenez

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