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URL Link Usage Instruction

The URL link consists of two assessments as below and please read the following information.

1. The PI Behavioral Assessment (PI) is a scientifically-validated. It objectifies workplace behaviors

so you can predict the drives and motivation of others, be a better manager, and communicate
effectively. There is no right or wrong answers.

< Information >

1. There is no time limit, and it takes an average of 10 minutes.
2. Answer honestly in a quiet, undisturbed place.
3. The assessment consists of two pages, and for each of the different questions above
each page, please select all the following words.
4. You may skip over words that are hard to understand.

Follow the instructions below to start the assessment.

< Direction >

1. Click the guided URL link
2. Select the most comfortable mother tongue (ex. Korean) by clicking the arrow next to
Language on the first page and press the ‘Continue’ button below.

URL Link Usage Instruction

3. Fill in your Email address, First / Last Name, and click the ‘Continue’ button to start.

4. When the following message appears on the screen, the assessment is completed.

5. Once you receive an email that you have completed the PI Behavioral Assessment, you
will receive another email about PI Learning Indicator (PLI).

URL Link Usage Instruction

2. The Predictive Index Learning Indicator (PLI) is a cognitive ability assessment that measures an
individual’s capacity to learn, adapt, and grasp new concepts in the workplace.

1. The Cognitive Assessment is a 12-minute timed assessment consisting of 50 questions.
2. The test ends automatically when the timeout expires. The time remaining is displayed in
the top right corner of the screen
3. Take the test without the help of others, writing suppliers and calculator.
4. You dedicate sufficient time in a distraction-free environment without the involvement of
5. You must complete the assessment in one sitting. You cannot take a break or shut down
the browser and continue later.

Follow the instructions below to start the assessment.

< Direction >

1. Click on the “Click here to Begin the Assessment” link when you are ready to begin.

2. Select the most comfortable mother tongue language and press the “Arrow” button below.

URL Link Usage Instruction

3. Follow the instructions below and check “I acknowledge and understand these instructions.”

4. It is strongly recommended that you complete the sample questions below.

5. Click “Begin” when you are ready. The assessment will begin, and the countdown starts.

You navigate through the assessment simply be clicking on the page numbers listed at the top of
the page or the ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ buttons at the bottom. You cannot use the browser’s “back”
and “forward” buttons for navigation, as this will immediately strop the assessment and no final
score will be recorded!

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