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NIM : 22510109

1. What are the Indonesian words for those in bold?

a. First paragraph:
1. dates back = sudah ada
2. taken place = terjadi
3. civilizations = peradaban
4. grew = tumbuh
5. evolved = berevolusi
6. flourished = berkembang
7. evidence = bukti
b. Second paragraph:
1. aware of = menyadari
2. huge = besar
3. mute testimony = saksi bisu
4. famous = terkenal
5. vast empire = kerajaan besar
6. ruled it = menguasainya
c. Third paragraph:
1. Ancient = kuno
d. Fourth paragraph:
1. centuries = abad
2. satisfy = memenuhi
3. a treatise = sebuah risalah
e. Fifth paragraph:
1. thought = pemikiran
2. supplemented = melengkapi
3. existing = yang ada
4. continuously = terus menerus
2. When does the organized management date back?
 The organized management dates back to 5000 B.C
3. Where did agricultural civilizations exist?
 The agricultural civilizations exist in India, China and Egypt.

4. According to Peter Drucker, what "was not only one of the great ages of technology,
but it also represented mankind's most productive age of social and political

 The irrigation civilizations

5. Who held power and wealth in the society when the villages grew and civilizations

 The holders of power and wealth in the society when the villages grew
and civilization evolved were the priests, the kings, and the ministers.
6. What contains evidence of management control practices?

 Written documents found in the Sumerian civilization which flourished

some 5000 years ago
7. Supposed they still exist right now, how old are the written documents found in the
Sumerian civilization now?

 Supposed they still exist right now, the age of written documents found
in the Sumerian civilization today is 5000 years
8. From the information mentioned in paragraph 2, identify 3 evidence showing
superiority and advanced managerial abilities.

 3 evidences showing superiority and advance managerial abilities are:

a. The huge pyramids of Egypt
b. The origins of the Scientific Method in the famous Socratic discourse In
Grecian civilization.
c. The Romans who built a vast empire extending from Britain in the west to
Syria in the east.
9. Mention evidence showing the use of management principles (paragraph 3).
 Evidences showing the use of management principles (paragraph 3):
a. In ancient India, Kautilya wrote his Arthashastra in about 321 B.C. the
major theme of which was political, social and economic management of
the State.
b. The study of administration of the cities of Mohenjodaro and Harappa of
the ancient Aryans in 2000 B. C.
c. Buddha's order and the Sangha in 530 B. C.
10. What can you learn from paragraph 4?

 A treatise in 1494 that describing the Double Entry System of Book-

keeping a means of keeping records of their business transactions the large
trading houses of Italy.
11. According to paragraph 5, how did the development of management thoughts

 Management thought is an evolutionary concept. New theories and

principles were suggested along with new developments in the business field.
The new thoughts supplemented the existing thoughts and theories. This is
how developments are taking place continuously in regard to management
12. What fields were the thinkers contributed in the evolution of management thought

The thinkers contributed in the evolution of management thought from fields
such as economics, psychology, sociology and mathematics.

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