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1. How does your tree relate to you and your life?

The tree I draw relates to me by how the tree grows, Years have passed
since I was a kid and growing up thought me a lot just like the tree. For
example, I am the tree and the leaves that I have is the knowledge I learned
throughout my whole life, the tree will keep on growing and sprout new
leaves because of things I learned in the present.
2. Where do you think you are in your drawing? Which part of the tree do
you belong?
I guess for me the part where I belong is the leaves, my whole identity is
the leaves and when a leaf falls from the tree, I make mistakes, but the
leaves will keep on growing because eventually I will learn from my
mistakes and make up for it or make them right.
3. Do you feel any strange emotions when you draw and write the name/s
for the roots? Why?
It felt like I want to thank these names that I wrote because of the things
they’ve done for me while I grow up. But a simple thank you will not make
up for all those things so I will always love them and cherish what they gave
to me to make up for the things they gave me.
4. How does it feel when you draw the leaves and write the significant
events in your life?
It feels good remembering those events. It feels like I want to go back at
that time in those events, because I was happy and joyful that time and
somehow, I felt unsatisfied because of how time had passed very quickly
and how my excitement is not fully satisfied in those events.
5. Do you have someone in your life you want to forget? How does it feel
when you are reminded of this person?
Not really, everyone that I have met and talked to had been a good and
trustworthy friend or person. So, I don’t know anyone who I want to forget
in my life.

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