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Name : Steven Michael Aditya Sumual

NIM : V3822047

Class :D

Find 5 strength 5 weakness and how to reduce weakness

The advantages that I have are :

1. Able to adapt well in new environment

2. Able to communicate well
3. Playing sports well especially in badminton
4. Able to work well both in team and individually
5. Self confident

The drawbacks that I have are :

1. A little forgetful
2. A little selfish
3. Insecure at a time
4. Not able to manage time well
5. Too quick to decide anything

Thw right solution to this deficiency is

1. Point one maybe written on the note

2. Lower the ego a bit
3. More confident that I also have advantages that other people may not have
4. Maybe by making a regular schedule
5. Think about it more carefully before deciding something

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