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Activity 3

Please answer the following.

1. How does conflict affect decision-making? - Conflict affect the decision-making by not in the
focus having a power to destroy the good plans. In the plan we should check all the actions that
would have no conflict for the plans will be successful.

2. Why is there a need for conflict resolution in decision-making? - There is need for conflict
resolution in decision-making to prevent individuals and groups hijacking the decision making
process with their agendas. And also to avoid some negativity with the plans so that they can have a
good plans and decisions to do.

3. What are some techniques to resolve conflict? - This are the some techniques to resolve conflict,
First is choose a good time, Listen carefully, Give information, Plan a head, Don't blame or name-
call, Talk directly and lastly show a respect of one another. That techniques are effective to avoid
some conflict we shiuld help one another to resolve it and also lower our prides and have a team

4. What are some techniques to come up with good decision-making? - This are the some techniques
to come up with good decision-making, First is think about your goals and values, Consider all the
possibilities, Don't let stress get the better of you, talk it out and lastly Plan how you'll tell to others.
This techniques are better to have good decision-making, for your self to be prepared of what you are

5. Identify and share a major conflict that happened in your life. Explain the decision process that
you did to resolve that problem/conflict. In your own opinion, do you think that you made the right
decision on that matter? Why? - The major conflict that happened to my life is how to have a time
management so far that is the major conflict we all know that time is management is easy to say but
it is difficult to do it, to balance your studies and work. And I think it is not good in our health we
need some rest because of our body is tired so I apply it but it takes process to practice it. And it is
have a positive result I could have my studies and I work and know how to balance and get some
rest. But sometimes it's difficult but I know day by day I will make it better. One step at a time.

Note: Please discuss your answer. 50 points!

Deadline: Before the next meeting. Thank you!

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