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Q1. Fill in the blanks:

1. Plants also teach us that we cannot do everything by ourselves.
2. He blocked off the food supply, which the root was sending them.
3. Living together in harmony means being together as one family.
4. We must learn to stay together even though we may be different.

Q2. True or false:

1. Living with our family and friends make us feel strong and happy-
2. We must not care for others and not help them in times of trouble
– False.
3. In American flatland grew a little plant with four leaves – False.

Q3. Answer the following:

1. Why were the leaves happy in the beginning?
A. The leaves were happy together as they shared
their food and water, they talked and laughed together. They
even played hide and seek when there was a breeze.
2. What did the big leaf do one day?
A. One day the big leaf blocked the water supply
coming from the roots to other leaves and it even blocked the
food supply.

3. Why did he do this?

A. He did that so that he alone can have all the food
and water.

4. What happened to the other leaves?

A. The other leaves were thirst and hungry and slowly
they began to dry up and one day they all died.

5. What happened to the big leaf in the end?

A. By being selfish, the big leaf had cut off the food and
water supply to himself also and he began to die too.

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