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Santiago de Cali-Colombia March, 24 -2023

Cordial greetings gentlemen of ZODIAC

I am Melissa Cañaveral López, for me it is a pleasure to be part of this wonderful festival,

where the interpretive quality is high and for me it would be of great learning, also because
it is located in an absolutely beautiful region of France, I would like to work to subsidize
my stay at the festival since I will travel directly from my native country in South America,
which can be somewhat expensive due to the currency exchange, however I am willing to
work in all areas in which workers are needed, in the pandemic I learned multiple ways of
record using correct technological tools, as well as management of social networks and
concert promotion, in the same way my English is quite fluent so I can work as a
receptionist and also support in the piano area changing the pages, I am willing to work in
any area of work, I have been able to have experience in all the aforementioned areas. I
would like to be considered for this job, thank you very much for your attention.

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