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Write a composition of about 180-200 words on the following topic:

Hi-tech is already radically changing the world: computers can do all domestic
chores, draw by far more precise diagnoses than doctors, teach and train.
Would you prefer to consult a computer instead of, for example, your GP or a
teacher? Why?

Nowadays, so many people will prefer to consult a computer, while I

would rather my GP or a teacher, not only because it is the way I used to.

The main advantage of “live” or “face-to-face” consultation is the

specificity of the given information. For example, you have a problem and you
do not understand something, searching for information on the Internet even
on this site, which the teacher is recommended is useless, you still can not
understand. When you ask a teacher and he/she explains to you, finally you get
it. Another reason why it is better in this way is doctors who save lives every
day. Maybe there are machine which can make difficult and complicated
surgery but if something goes wrong, the computer will not know what to do or
if you are sick and the machine does not know what is happening to you, the
good doctor will start to heal you to make things better.

Despite the fact that computers are faster and smarter, they can not
replace the human role they can only make things easier.

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