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Sara Rowley

Mr. Lehauli

Criminal Justice PM

14 October 2019

Career Battle Plan

End Goal: Immigrations Lawyer

Qualifications: In order to be an Immigrations lawyer you need a Bachelor's Degree and a J.D.

Degree from law school. It is also important to be capable of speaking and writing in the same

language as your clients.

Progress: By the end of my senior year, I will be halfway completed with my Associate's Degree

in Criminal Justice at SLCC. I will graduate from SLCC by 2021. I also have been taking

Spanish for 4 years, and am currently semi fluent, I will continue to take Spanish in college and

practice until I am completely fluent.


● What degree- for my associates degree, I will have a Criminal Justice Associate's from

SLCC. For my Bachelor's I will go to the University of Utah and get in business and

communications. For my J.D. degree I will also go to the U of U.

● What College and why- I have chosen SLCC for my Associate's Degree because I will

have half of it finished before I graduate highschool through SLCC concurrent

enrollment. I would like to attend the U of U because it is a reputable school that is close
to my family home. The U of U is also really close to where I intend to work, and where I

do my hobby.


● Civilian job at the jail (18-19)

● Corrections officer (19- about 23)

● Law School (3 years)

● Immigrations Lawyer (end result)

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