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Abortion should be legalized in Trinidad and Tobago.

Abortion never seems to go away. Of course there are many that are for it and
those that are against it, but which side is right? Is there even a right or wrong
when it comes to a topic of this nature? Exactly but I will aegue for abortion to be

The 14th Amendment was designed to protect classes of people like the unborn.
Why, as a society, do we pick and choose human beings whom we can deliberately
kill? These human beings are fully human, entirely innocent, and helpless and

One may argue that the child isn’t born yet, abortion is ethically acceptable
because the child is just a fetus and therefore not a real human being. That
argument however heavily depends on how early the abortion procedure is
performed. In the very early stages of the pregnancy the fetus hardly resembles a
human at all, and scientists hypothesize that it is not developed enough to feel pain.
However a life a life is till being ended.

Health effects is a broad concept that could include almost all aspects of personal
and social well-being if health is defined as a more than merely the absence of
disease and infirmity’’. The health effects of abortion include physical , mental and
emotional and social outcomes of the procedure. The health of an individual
woman obtaining an abortion is affected, but in a larger sense so also is the health
of the family and the society.
In conclusion the answer however is quite simple Abortion should be legal with a
rare few expectations because killing a child, albeit an unborn one , is not an option
that should readily be available to the public, the child has right to live, though it is
much too young to understand it.

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