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Some of your ideas coincide with others.

Humans are rational beings. Rationally judge, assess and evaluate. You take the initiation on rational

People are always forward looking. Do not struck in the past. they have forward looking tendency
and certain goals in which they have to work. Along with this also judge reality grounds.

types of self

real and ideal. ideal self is one which person wants to become. Actual or real self also needs to be
coordinated with your ideal self. if close co incidence then healthy lifestyle.

overall positive nature. human nature looks for positivity. realistic. he is not in fascinating world.

counselling basic assumption trust worthiness. you have some potentials and utilize them (self
actualizing tendencies). if fully actualize then all good. but if weakness left you will accept and look
our for some other.

tendency to maximize those potentials and actualize them (self actualizing potential). In your
environment you need to have some promoting or encouraging facilitative atmosphere in which you
can make your self an actualized individual.

role of counsellor

role of facilititative provide promotive environment, you can ensure personal growth there.
Constructively you can go ahead. Provide positive and promotive environment. Learn autonomy in
them. learn to develop self sufficiency in them so he is capable to.without losing your identity. If you
work in coordination with other then you will not loose your identity.


client is not in the good state so you have to perform your role. work on the goals. Goal setting and
look for certain goals.


e,g publisher says i have reviewed your writing but it is not enough. you realize i have potential more
and more on which i can work. If client is struck on some point then through discussion promote it.
prominent them on surface. He focuses and emphasis on it. jab ho jae gi to further client is going to
work very well.


after realization goal fulfilment is necessary. it cant be done in a moment. it is done in progressive
pathways. If no satisfaction after goal fulfilment then it is of no use. after setting goals and if
requirement complete then goal fulfilled e,g, marks.

when driving car. may be you are driven by available opportunities. automatic car has automatic
functioning. car is in self control so goal autonomy should be promoted to be developed in your
client. Work on your self potentials just like the car. To ensure goal autonomy only one method you
have to control. you can utilize your potentials. your autonomy has developed and your self goal has
developed. e.g. diet goals and control the weight.


You are determined to satisfy your goals.


Therapist focus is on the person, not the problem. Goals direction should be on the promotion of

Carl rogers is holistic approach. Its goals are focused on working with the person overall rather than
the problems. make your client fully functioning. This should be the aim of this therapy. Everyone
has the potential to self actualize one self by utilizing maximally one’s potential so that he can
become fully functional.

When one is going out of the session he must have developed autonmy in the session. This is shown
when he is independently dealing with it. You have provided him sufficient knowledge. Person
centred therapist don’t take history of client they just try to collect as much information on
problems of client. They make client facilitative instead of taking long history from clients. they
would rely on the what type of nature client has, his problems. They try to make the client be easy,
comfortable and facilitated for personal growth and personal change in this environment of realness
and openness. every approach has different angle. when client comes to you he is INCONGRUENCE
(coz his self perception and actual experience has discrepancy so he faces problems), not coherent,
he is in state of incoherence, disrepency. for example being a musician this is his ideal self goal, he
has below average in maths, his self concept and ideal concept has alot of differences. he will have
reality problems. he will now go to counsellor.

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