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Deepen Activity 1.4 .Topic that Interest Me


Introduction: What are the possible Challenges for the Students in Naguilian
SHS 11- STEM B students for thier Transportation going to school and going back
to their home

Topic Sentence : The Challenges Students Face in Transportation

My Sources :

Source 1: A Study On Public Transportation Problems Among Students. (2018,

May 25). Retrieved from
Sources 2 Adams, C. (2009). School Attendance in Manitoba. Manitoba Education,
Citizenship and Youth. Manitoba: Probe Research Inc. Retrieved June 13, 2013
from attendance
Sources 3: Policy group. (2010). Challenges StudentTransport for Full-time
Further Education Students Retrieved June 28, 2013 from www.
uk/wp.../ student transport policy.pdf

Body: (Main points)

Taking public transportation as a student and providing transit to students as

an agency can present challenges. Regardless of how cars and buses became the
most common means to get to and from school, it’s clear the means and methods
of how this gets done continues to change, due to common-sense reasons like
student safety, school security and technology.Regular school attendance is a
crucial factor in education success. It is critically important since students who
miss school or skip subject miss out on carefully planned sequences of
instructions.Public transportation is a shared passenger transport service which is
available for use by the general public, as distinct from modes such as taxicab,
train or hired buses which are not shared by strangers without private

Most public transport runs to a scheduled timetable with the most frequent
services running to a headway. Public transport revises can be profit-driven by
use of pay-by-the-distance fares or funded by government subsidies in which flat
rate fares are charged to each passenger. This is the method used by the public
transport system.They also need to face unpredictable weather conditions. The
hectic daily schedule made the students have to walk back and forth to different
block for the entire day.

Body: Similarities in (comparing)an article

It indicate that further research should be conducted to study the impacts of

transportation problems on student’s school attendance . There are factors that
have been determined to have impacts on student attendance and achievement
over which schools have no control such as, economic status and education of
family. It is no longer acceptable to educate just a portion of some students while
leaving other students without education due to problems to access transport. It
is necessary to investigate accessibility of transportation on student’s school
attendance regardless socio-economic status of parents neither rich nor poor.

Several of the studies reviewed focused on impacts of transport problems on

student’s sexual behavior, gender based violence, student achievement and
factors influencing attendance as well as school location in general. Previous
studies do not consider effects of transportation problems on student’s school
attendance. This research may increase the knowledge to understand the effects
of transportation problems on student’s school attendance so that to bring
significance achievement in education for social and economic development.

Body:Differences in (contrasting) an article

Some students in cities want to consume education but transport problems
including transportation cost affect where education produced as the result;
education becomes expensive commodity for the mass to get it. Poor transport
may accelerate lowly student attendance and truancy which are the first signs of
deterioration of school and quality education. Thus, it is crucial to the government
to do all it can to promote good school attendance habits among its students.
Appropriate transport for students to and from schools should be essential
precondition for the effective educational system. Through regular school
attendance and punctuality students can progress academically hence to lead
quality education


It is important because to evaluate the distance a student travel from home to

school, student’s transport cost and the effects of transport problems for student
school attendance .Themain transportation problems are the distance between
the students resident and the school where students enrolled, transportation
cost, traffic jams that lead setback on the way for some hours for students who
travel toward urban areas and unacceptability behaviors of some bus operators to
reject students especially during peak hours. Thus, student participation in
learning at school is jeopardized by transportation sector.Educational leaders
should find it necessary to focus on areas of transport for students and individual
circumstances of the student, as well as on the attendance policy in order to meet
the diverse needs of the students to attend school regularly.

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