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Exercise II

DIRECTIONS: Which one is a sample of Creative Writing? What can you observe between
these two samples? Explain your answer in ten sentences.

Sample 1
He had stood that day, the world’s foremost spokesman of popular government, saying that
democracy was yet worth fighting for… He incarnated the assurances and pretenses of popular
government, implied that it could and might perish from the earth… He did not assume that the
drafted soldiers, substitutes and bounty – paid privates had died willingly under Lee’s shot and
shell, in deliberate consecration of themselves to the Union cause. His cadences sang the
ancient song that where there is freedom men have fought dramatic occasion declaimed
however it might be read. Jefferson’s proposition which had been a slogan of the Revolutionary
War = “All men are created equal” leaving no other inference than that he regarded the Negro
slave as a man. His outwardly smooth sentences were inside of them gnarled and tough with
the enigmas of the American experiment. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sample 2
This method of analysis calls for a division and sometimes subdivision of elements that makes
an idea or an object. The divisions must be mutually exclusive; that is, each division is
independent of each other, although each contributes to the general theme… The four general
divisions of “Basic Forms of Writing” are; Expository, Persuasive, Descriptive and Narrative.
Each division in turn has its own Classifications. Exposition has a dozen or so independent
parts. Analysis is one of them.

In analysis by partition one begins with an idea, an object, or an individual and separates it into
its various elements. In classification one begins with a group and divides it into appropriate
smaller independent parts.

Creative writing is the "art of making things up" or putting a creative splash on history, as
in creative nonfiction. With creative writing you're able to express feelings and emotions instead
of cold, hard facts, as you would in academic writing. From the two given samples above, I think
sample 1 is the creative writing because sample is more on telling a story in informal way.
Sample 2 is not a creative writing because it tells about facts and it's quiet formal. They differ in
their purpose, the purpose of sample 1 which is creative writing is to entertain and share human
experience while the sample 2 is to inform the readers.

Creative writing is original writing that expresses ideas and thoughts in an imaginative
way. Sample 1 talks about what happened before and it's merely a story telling. Sample 1 fits
the definition of creative writing because the writer or the author is really focusing on expressing
his/her thoughts, feelings and emotions about what happened in the past. Creative writing can
help jumpstart your imagination. Therefore, from the two samples above, Sample 1 is the
creative writing.

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