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Part 1 of 4
(Ch.1, Lesson1-Intellectual Revolutions that Defined Society)

Think About These Questions

1. What is the contribution of Copernicus in the Philosophy of science? Cite 3


Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish astronomer and mathematician known

as the father of modern astronomy. He was the first European scientist to
propose that Earth and other planets revolve around the sun, the heliocentric
theory of the solar system.

2. Do you think thought experiment is still useful in science in the present time?
Defend your answer.

Yes, thought experiment is still very useful in science in the present time .
Thought experiments can be used to explore various scientific theories or to test
hypotheses. Studying science without doing experiments is just pointless.
Theories from textbook are proven or researched by scientists before, it indeed
plays an important role in the education system to enable the students to view
the reality of science theories from the textbook and develop their interests in
STEM subjects.

3. Do you think the Church should intervene in scientific activities? Defend your

Probably, the church should not intervene in scientific activities . Like oil
and water, Religion and Science do not merge as one. This is because religion is
based on faith whereas science is based on evidence.

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