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Population Distribution Factor

Geography has two objects, namely material and formal. Formal consists of environmental and
regional spatial. The material itself consists of the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere,
and anthroposphere. and here I will discuss the anthroposphere

Anthroposphere is essentially derived from the word Anthropos which means human and sphere
which means layer. Anthroposphere is the science that studies the layers of humans who live on the
surface of the earth, the aspects studied are related to human life. The Anthroposphere itself discusses
population, settlements, births, deaths, immigration, and the environment.

And here I will discuss the population distribution factor. Population distribution is a form of
population distribution in a region or country, this population distribution is divided into two, namely
the distribution of the population evenly and unevenly. The distribution of the population is even, such
as City A and City B, which have the same population. while the unequal distribution of the population is
like the city a has more inhabitants than city b.

The problem here is the uneven distribution of the population. as in Indonesia, the island of Java is
more populated than the islands of Kalimantan or Papua. mostly also more residents in big cities than
residents in small towns. How can it be like that?

This happens because there are factors behind it. These factors are divided into 3, that is physiological
factors, biological factors, and cultural and technological factors. the first physiological factor this factor
is determined by physiological things. such as access to strategic or not strategic places, then terms of
the level of fertility of the city's land is fertile or arid, and so on.

For example, in the province of West Java, the city of Bandung is more populated. because Bandung is
the capital where the capital is a strategic place in terms of its economy and industry, it could also be
that the land is more fertile in the city of Bandung. then secondly there are biological factors these
factors are determined by biological things. such as the birth rate or death rate, for example, suppose
there is a city where the land is barren and the aquatic ecosystem is bad. so that residents must be able
to survive in the city, now this is what causes the population in the city to be few, and prefer to live in
cities or areas that are safer, have fertile soil, and have good aquatic ecosystems.

And the last factor is cultural and technological factors, which are determined by matters relating to
an area's cultural or technological progress. for example between the regions of Papua and the island of
Java, surely the population prefers to live in the area of the island of Java. because the area of the island
of Java is more advanced in terms of culture and technology. living in more advanced areas in terms of
culture and technology can also make it easier for residents to survive.

As for the impact of the uneven distribution of the population, namely, the emergence of illegal
settlements. There are gaps in terms of development, economy, and access to education due to uneven
distribution. The way to overcome the unequal distribution of the population is by building small
industries in rural areas, building facilities and infrastructure in remote areas, and concentrating large
industries in sparsely populated or remote areas. these actions can attract residents to live in sparsely
populated or remote areas.

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