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What do we call the behavior of making birds or animals get together?

What is the heading at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine?–Headline
What dowe call an area in the desert where there is water and where plants grow?–Oasis
If something such as fabric or medicine is artificially made, not natural, what do we say it is?–Synthetic/artificial/man-made
What is the barrier that can prevent floods from damaging our home?–Dam
We call a person used to using the right hand a right-hander, and what do we call a person if theleft hand?–Left-hander
What is the joint connecting your foot to the leg?–Ankle
What makes a refrigerator or any other electrical devices work?–Electricity
What do we call the legal document that states how people’s property should be allottedaftertheir deaths?-Will
Who is the person who shares the same room with you?–Roommate
How many years are there in a half of century?–Fifty
What do we call the joint that connects the top and bottom parts of the leg?–Knee
What includes everything in the world such as stars and planets?-Universe/cosmos
What is a violent conflict between two or more countries?–War
What is the opposite of north?–South
Whatdo you call the son of your sister or brother?-Nephew
Which is the biggest one, the elephant, the tiger,or the cheetah?–Elephant
A business doesn’t want to make a loss-what does it want to make?-Profit
What do we call a set of wires covered in plastic or rubber that carries electricity?–Cable
What do we call animals which eat meat?–Carnivore
What do we call programs that run on a computer?–Software
What do we call something that seems to exist but in fact does not?–Illusion
What do you call a list in a book which outlines the structure of the book?-Table of contents
What is the nominal form of the wide?–Width
When ice is at room temperature what does it become?–Water/liquid
What do we call a person undergoing treatments in hospital?–Patient
What kind of dictionary provides synonyms, antonyms and related words?–Thesaurus
What is a text that you send to your friends to invite them to a party?–Invitation
What type of food is an apple?–Fruit
What do we call the potential benefits ofalternatives when a decision is made?–Opportunitycost
A dozen is a grouping of which number?–Twelve
What flight starts in a country and ends in the same country?–Domestic
What do we call drawings or writing on a wall, especially in a public place?–Graffiti
What is the hard substance that makes up the stems and branches of trees and shrubs?–Wood
What do we describe an event which happens once every year?–Annual
What handicap equipment is used for broken legs?-Crutch / walking stick
How many days are there in a fortnight?–Fourteen
How would you describe an animal that no longer exist on the earth?–Extinct
What is the process of water changing into a gas?–Evaporation
What shows how many people can be in a place like an apartment?–Capacity
What do we call a bicycle with two seats and two pairs of handles?–Tandem
If a couple have a pair of children, how many children do they have?–Two
Which sweet food is produced by bees?–Honey
How do you call the seasonal flying from cold to warmer areas, mitigation or migration?
How many days are in a week?-Seven days
How many sides are there in a bilateral agreement?–Two
If a figure is hexagonal, how many sides does it have?–Six
In which direction does the sun come up?–East
What do people cast in an election?–Vote
What do we call a document sent by email?–Attachment
What do we call a group of sheep or birds?–Flock
What do we call a political institution or body that is responsible for a country?–Government
What do we call a short piece of writing containing the main ideas in a document?-Abstract /summary
What do we call the animals with white ivory and long trunk?-Elephant/elephants
What do we call the marine animal that has eight legs?–Octopus
What is the meeting point of sea and sky called?–The horizon
What is the most important document you would have to show if you would to hire a car?-driver's license/driving license
What is the name of ceremony in which two people get married?–Wedding
What is the word for a period of one hundred years?–Century
What is the word for the place where a river starts?–Source
What is the word in geometry for a shape that has three sides?–Triangle
What kind of food do almonds, pistachios and walnuts fall into?–Nut
What part of a room is over your head?–Ceiling
What part of the body propels a flying bird in the air?–Wing
Which of these was last to be explored, the Himalayas, the moon, or Australia?–The Moon
Which one word is used for a brother or sister?–Sibling
Whichpart at the endof bookcan be used forfurtherreading?-Bibliography/index/reference
Who serves food in a restaurant?–Waiter/waitress
If something is not expensive, what do we say it is?–Cheap
What are winter, spring, summer and autumn?–Seasons
What do people wear if they can’t see very well?–Glasses/contact lense
What do we call a company or organization that gives money to a sports or arts event inexchange for advertising?–Sponsor
What do we call a light that has usually a glass covering and can be carried by a handle?–Lantern/lanterns
What do we call a person who writes biographies of others?–Biographer
What do we call someone who travels and works in a spacecraft?–Astronaut
What do we call the different forms of money that acountry uses?–Currency
What do we call the study of living things?–Biology
What do we call the value that a particular coin or bill has?–Denomination
What does the prefix retro-mean in words like retrospect?–Back/backwards
What is a collective term for cows and bulls, especially on a farm?–Cattle
What is not a font style, Bold, Regular, Superscript, or Italic?–Superscript
What is the name for a person who pays rent to a landlord?–Tenant
What is the plant that grows in the desert and has sharp points?–Cactus/cacti
What is the summary for an academic paper showing what the essay is talking about?–Abstract
What is the upper part that protects a building?–Roof
Which word do we use to describe a desert, humid or dry?–Dry
Who is the main journalist responsible for producing a newspaper or magazine?–Editor
What’s the fastest way to get from the 20th floor to the 1st floor?–Lift/Elevator
What subject involves the study of the Periodic Table?-Chemistry
What force makes humans stay on the earth?-Gravity
Which sweet food do bees produce?–Honey237
What do you call the money you pay for speeding on the road?–Fine
What is the feeling of wanting something that someone else has?–Envy/Jealousy
What do you call the case you use to carry documents?–Briefcase
What is the activity of inhaling tobacco substances?–Smoking
If you want to buy a ring, who do you approach, a jeweler or pharmacist?-Jeweler
What is one half of 100%?-50%
What do we use to get to the third floor when the elevator is broken?–Stairs
What is the big musical instrument that has 88 black and white keys?-Piano
What do you call the diagram which includes X-axis and Y-axis?-Coordinate system
What is the cooking process to make cakes or bread?–Baking
How do we describe a person who enjoys the company of others?–Extrovert
What protects birds from the cold?–Feather
Which part of a birds’ body is used for flying?-Wings
When you fill in a form, what are the two options for gender?–Male and female233
What is glass made from?–Sand
What is more fuel efficient, a small car or a large truck?-A small car
In winter, what activities do people usually do on snow mountains by standing on long, thinboards?–Skiing
What do eyes produce while crying?–Tears
What is the term used to describe a period of seven days?–Week
In the word ‘postgraduate’, what does the ‘post’ mean?–After
What category do the bee, the butterfly, and the mosquito fall into?–Insect
What do we call a person that has won the first prize in a competition?-Champion/winner/goldmedalist
What do we call a public event at which things are sold to the person who offers the highestprice?–Auction
What do we call a structure made for bees to live in?–Hive/beehive
What do we call one of the parts of a school year?–Term/terms
What do we call the container that is used for heating or boiling water?-Kettle / kettles
What do we call the lizard that can change its color according to the surroundings?-Chameleon/anole
What do we call the restaurant that serves buffet?-Cafeteria / cafeterias
What do we call the series of pages showing the days, weeks and months of a particular year?–Calendar
What do we call the sport of riding on waves while standing on a narrow board?–Surfing
What does the sun do during dawn?–Sunrise
What is the layer of tissue that covers our body?–Skin
What is the opposite of compulsory subjects?-Optional subjects/optional
What is the thick forest in tropical partsof the world that have a lot of rain?–Rainforest
What is theopposite of 'simplify'?–Complicate
Which one is the unit of capacity: centimeter or liter?–Liter
Which part of your leg can make it possible to bend?–Knee
Which type of meal isusually eaten outdoors, picnic or buffet?–Picnic
Who is trained to treat people who are ill in a hospital?-Doctor/doctors
Why plants need bees?-Pollination/pollinating
Whatdowecalltheplacewherepedestrianscancrossastreet?-Crosswalk/pedestrian crossing/zebra crossing
What is place that a person lives permanently?–Home
What do we call the largest land animal living in Africa or India?–Elephant
What is the book that you write to describe your own life story?–Autobiography
In which compass direction does the Sun rise from?-East
How many eggs are there in a dozen?-Twelve
What is the line where the sky meets the land?-Skyline
If a conference is held annually, how often is it held?-Once a year
What product do you apply to your skin to protect from sunburn?-Sunscreen
What do you call a length of time that lasts for seven days?–Week
How do we describe the position of subterranean?–Underground
What do we call the path bywhich satellites revolve around the earth?–Orbit
Which one of the following is not a mythological animal, unicorn, giraffe, dragon or mermaid?–Giraffe
What is the connecting part between two bones?–Joint
What substance would farmersspread into the soil in order to make plants grow moresuccessfully?–Fertilizer
What do we call the lenses which people use instead of glasses?-Contact lenses
What is the large, flat surface that films are shown on?–Screen
What isthe scientific study of rocks?–Geology
What do we call the line between a sunset and the sea?-Sea-sky-line
What's the first meal of the day in the morning?–Breakfast
What is the round, yellow part in the middle of an egg?–Yolk
What do we watch with a screen and a projector?-Slide/movie/film
What is the opposite of 'guilty'?–Innocent
When you bake a cake, what do you put the cake into?–Oven
What do we call the first meal of the day?–Breakfast
What is the opposite ofmajority?–Minority
What is the term to specifically describe either a brother or a sister?–Sibling
How would you describe an economy that is largely based on farming?–Agricultural
What do we call the fabric that covers the floor of an apartment?–Carpet/Carpets
What do we call the room that is below the level of the ground?–Basement/Basements
How do we describe a computer that is connected to the Internet?–Online
What is the opposite of online?–Offline
What do we call a person who studies mystery?–Mystic/occult
What do we call the event in which people move through a public place to celebrate animportant day or event?–Parade
What is the animal that looks like a horse but with black and white stripes?-Zebra
How do we call the animals that are kept on farms or as pets?–Domestic
What is the process ofwater changing into a gas?–Evaporation
Which kind of energy makes light bulbs work?–Electricity
What is the antonym of 'innocent'?–Guilty
How do we describe a person who is not guilty of a crime?–Innocent
What do we call the two metal bars that trains run on?–Rail/Track
What do we use to rest our heads on in bed?–Pillow
What is a small stick made of wood or cardboard that is used for lighting a fire?–Match
What is the small shiny white ball that forms insidethe shell of oyster?–Pearl/Margarite
What do we call the female head of a family?–Mistress/Hostess
What is the top surface inside the room?–Ceiling
How do we call a person who is about the same age?–Contemporary
What is thelegal document protecting someone's intellectual property?–Patent
How many countries are involved in a mutual agreement?–Two
Who prepares and sells medicine in shops or hospitals?-Chemist/pharmacist
Which one would you use to describe the desert, humidity or aridity?-Aridity
Which gas does plant use during the photosynthesis?–Carbon dioxide
Which century does the 1600s refer to?-17th century
What movement can babies do before they can sit and walk?-Crawling, Crawl
What is the taste of ocean water? Salty or sweet?–Salty
What is the process of breaking down plastic and glass and using it again?–Recycling
What is the meeting point of the sea and the sky?-Sea level
What is the magazine that is dedicated to academic news?-Journal, Academic journal
What is the literature that withstands centuries?-Classic literature
What is the habitat of camels–Desert
What is the electronic device whose function is about the arithmetic of numbers?–Calculator
What fruit category includes orange, mandarin and lemon?–Citrus
What does ASAP mean?-As soon as possible
What do we describe the space with no air in it?–Vacuum
What do we describe a person who would like to help others?–Warm-hearted
What do we call learning a lot of things in a short time in preparation for an exam?–Cramming/cram
What do we call a scientist who studies planets and stars?–Astronomer
What do we call a person who takes care of children when their parents are at work?
In a compass, there are four directions, north, south, east, and?-West
If a student fails to show up in a class because of illness, how do we describe it?-Absent/absence
How many days are added in February during a leap year?-One day
How do we call the flat surface at the frontof a television or computer, on which we can seepictures?–Screen
Does a scapegoat receive or give a crime?-Receive
What do people cover their heads with?–Hats
What do we call the story a person tells to make people laugh?–Joke
How do we describe things that are capable of being dissolved in a liquid?-Soluble/water-soluble
What do you call the curve of a road or a river?–Bend
What is one quarter of 100?–Twenty-Five
How many months does a season have?–Three
What do we call a diagram in which an object would appear to viewers if it were cut from top tobottom?–Section
When you want to include a picture or other file into an email, what will you do?–Attach
What do we call the colored liquid for writing, drawing and printing?–Ink
What do we cover our necks with in the winter?-Scarf / scarves
How do we describe the food that is not cooked?–Raw
What do we call the vacation taken by a couple who have just got married?–Honeymoon
Whichpiece of equipment is used to control the direction of ships?–Rudder/Rudders
What do we call a person who is waiting for doing something?–Standby
What do you call your cousin's father?–Uncle
Which one is a psychologist good at, surgery or therapy?–Therapy
What do we call a shape of six sides?–Hexagon
What is the opposite of 'damp'?–Dry
Where do ships load and unload goods or find shelter from storms?–Port/Harbor
Where do marine animals live?-Sea / ocean
What isa person called whose job is to write news for newspapers?–Journalist
What do we usually call a person who is receiving medical treatment in a hospital?–Patient/Patients
What is the opposite of ‘emigrate’?–Immigrate
What do you call a person who is working for a company?–Employee
Which one has a low humidity, a desert or a rainforest?-A desert
When you mix black andwhite, what color would you get?-Gray
When a person’s Blood Alcohol Content is higher than the standard range, what activity aretheynot allowed to do?–Driving
Whatdo bees collect from the center of flowers?-Pollen
What kind of educational institution does a 10-year-old child study in?–Primaryschool,Elementary School
What is the ground military force?–Army
What is the document does a student get when he completes his study at university?-Graduation certificate
What is the antonym of horizontal?-Vertical
What is a painting of a person’s head usually called?–Portrait
What do you pay when you park in awrong place?-Fine/parking fine
What do you call the person who is guilty in law term?-Criminal
What do you call a group of mountains?-Range
What do we call the frozen water?–Ice
What do we call a large notice or picture sticked on a wall?–Poster
What do we call a large building with a square base and triangular sides?–Pyramid
There are eight planets, such as Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and the Earth
Pedestrians travel by what?-By foot
One who plans and draws the design of buildings and superintends their erection?–Architect
In addition to A, E, I, O, what is the other vowel letter?-U
If a flight is not international, then what is it called?–Domestic
How many hemispheres does the equator divide the globe into?-Two
Horse is a mammal, amphibian or reptile?–Mammal
What stellar systemdothese planets belong to?-Solar system
Which one is wholesome, poison or antibiotic?–Antibiotic
Which one is renewable energy, solar power or fossil fuel?–Solar Power
What would you call a specialist who repairs leaking water pipes?–Plumber
What would call a doctor who sellsprescribed medicines?-Pharmacist/Chemist
What literacy genre describes all details of a famous person’s life?–Biography
What is theshape in geometry that has three sides?–Triangle
What is the object that has six square sides?–Cube
What is the back part of your foot that is below your ankle?–Heel
What is the animal with white ivory and long trunk?-Elephant
What is another way to say the arrangement of musical notes in a tune?-Melody
What do you call the country where you were born?–Motherland
What do you call a short period of break between the parts of a concert or a play?-Intermission
What do we call the team competing against the host teamin a race?–Away team
What do we call the jewellery worn around your wrist?–Bracelet
What do we call the equipmentused to make things look bigger?–Magnifier
What do we call the creature who sucks the blood of living people in legends or horror stories?–Vampire
What do we call the activity of taking out weeds from the ground?–Weeding
What do we call a young cow?-Calf/calves
What do we call a small horse?–Pony
What do we call a picture painted on a wall?-Mural/fresco/wall painting
What are wine glasses and spectacles made of?–Glass
What are the animals that prey on other animals for living?–Predator
If you are celebrating a bicentennial event, how many years ago did this event happen?-Twohundred
How do we describe the action of cooking something in hot fat or oil?-Fry/frying
How do we describe people who have or express great love of their country?-Patriotic
Who sits in the cockpit of an airplane?–Pilot282
Who do you consult,when suffering from fever?–Doctor
Which part of the bodydo mammals use to feed their next generations?-Breast
When you have the primary, and the secondary, what do you have next?-Tertiary
What medal does a champion get?-A gold medal
What material are windows made of?-Glass
What is the subject studying the nature of society?–Sociology
What is the string on shoes?-Shoelace, bootlace, cord
What is the smallest unit of computer memory?–Bit
What is the device that controls electrical appliances on and off?-Switch
What is the description of events that is spoken with background music during afilm or aplay?-Narration
What is the act of students being present at school?-Attendance
What do you call the persons who study religions?-Theologians/theologists
What do we call the building that doctors and nurses work in? Answer: Hospital / clinic
What do we call a reward paid to an employee at the end of the year?-Year-end bonus
What do we call a person who is registered for the election?–Candidate
What do we call a person who does a job without being paid?–Volunteer
What do we call a festival which is held every four years gathering people together as asportingevent?-Olympics Games
What do people with claustrophobia fear?-Confined space
What can bring astronauts to space?-Spacecraft
How many years does a centennial celebrate?-100 years
How do you call the buildings of a university or college and the land around them?–Campus280
ay it is?–Synthetic/artificial/man-made

erson if theleft hand?–Left-hander

ttedaftertheir deaths?-Will
a car?-driver's license/driving license

t inexchange for advertising?–Sponsor

g, thinboards?–Skiing


animportant day or event?–Parade
can seepictures?–Screen

rom top tobottom?–Section

ity aretheynot allowed to do?–Driving

l,Elementary School

-Graduation certificate
or stories?–Vampire

s asportingevent?-Olympics Games

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