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Regine Ann G.

REEXECO (FOLDI1) Seatwork 03

(TYPE 1) The Lyremer: The Architect

● What is the result of the quiz/survey? Are you a Sage/Type 1? a Lover/Type 2? a

Mystic/Type 3? or a Prophet/Type 4?

○ After conducting the quiz, I have gained a result of The Lyremer: The
Architect of the Type. I discovered that I have the qualities of a Sage which is
characterized by a thinking or a head spirituality.

● What are the three (3) distinctive qualities of your Spiritual/Spirituality Type that are
most nearly true about you?

○ The Thinker
○ Constant Learner
○ Providing solutions

● Summarize in a few words or phrases how the quiz/survey helps you learn about
yourself and your Spiritual/Spirituality Type.

○ As an architecture student, discovering the type that nearly fits my goals and
aspirations in life is really interesting. Getting to know myself through this is
pretty accurate as this is how I approach my life recently. I have always been
the one who is constantly eager to learn new things no matter what situation I
am currently in. I have always got the passion for providing solutions and
understanding despite every challenge and problems that I encounter.

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