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‘A Christmas Carol’ – An

Adventure Through Time

By Erica Standen

Have you read 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens? Aww come on, why
not?! This Christmas themed novella set in 1840's during the industrial
revolution where the disparity between the rich and the poor was very clear.
Is mainly about 'A wealthy old miser whose only joy in life is money'
(Floresiensis, 2022) who then changes to be a kind-hearted and caring man. His name is Ebenezer Scrooge.
He is a man who in the beginning does not have purposeful connections, but whose relationships later
change and strengthen and form.

Scrooge's identity changes throughout the novella from being a mean, only cares about himself person, to
a kind-hearted man who enjoys every moment of life. As a result, Scrooge forms a relationship with the
character Tiny Tim. He acts like a second father to Tiny Tim. "Scrooge was better than his word.  He did it
all, and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim, who did not die, he was a second father.  He became as good a
friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew, or any other good old city, town,
or borough, in the good old world." Scrooge's relationship quite literally changes when he was younger, he
had a strong bond with Belle but as he became more focused on money Belle moved away. Scrooge
strengthens a connection with his nephew Fred after rudely declining all the invitations to lunch on
Christmas day over the years. Afterall, Fred is Scrooge's only living relative. Dickens also shows a change in
behaviour towards the character of Bob Cratchit, father of Tiny Tim. Scrooge lets Cratchit have a warmer
fire near his desk that he sits at and gives Cratchit a well needed raise in salary. ' "Now, I'll tell you what,
my friend," said Scrooge, "I am not going to stand this sort of thing any longer.  And therefore," he
continued, leaping from his stool, and giving Bob such a dig in the waistcoat that he staggered back into
the Tank again; "and therefore I am about to raise your salary." ' By becoming a better person ‘the chains
were cut free.’

In 'A Christmas Carol', Dickens displays the theme of the 'Influence of the past on the present'. He does this
by using the ghosts. They lead him on a winding path through memories and emotions to learn how merry
and grateful he used to be. When he started focusing more on his job at the counting house, Scrooge
became more focused on never being poor and a ruder and sharp tempered person. This is also when Belle
says "Our contract is an old one. It was made when we were both poor and content to be so, until, in good
season, we could improve our worldly fortune by our patient industry. You are changed …I release you. You
are a free man. I let you go with a full heart. May you be happy in the life you have chosen." this quote
explains to us about how nice and caring Scrooge was to people back then. A lighter theme is
'Compassion'. Dickens uses this theme most towards the end of the book after Scrooge's visits through
time with the three different ghosts. Some examples of this theme are; when Scrooge pays the boy a
shilling to get the turkey and when Scrooge sends said turkey to the Cratchit family. Bob Cratchit also
shows compassion with all the caring words towards his struggling family.

I believe that Dickens' overall purpose of a 'Christmas Carol' is about how the Bourgeoise treat the working
class. I think that throughout this novella the ghosts help Scrooge realise that he must make the best of life
and not be grumpy all the time because it doesn’t just affect him, but to everyone around as well. I would
recommend this book to children in year 7 because the style Dickens’ wrote in was quite wordy and
sometimes, and I had to read over a paragraph once or twice more before continuing to read. I would give
this book a 3.5 out of 5 because of the old-fashioned language and that it was a bit hard to read but has a
beautiful message.

 “A CHRISTMAS CAROL - Stave Five.”,

%20his. Accessed 11 Sept. 2022.

 “Disney Australia & New Zealand.” Disney Australia, 2022, Accessed 12 Sept.


 Walsh, Tom. “Your Oxygen Mask First - Kevin N Lawrence | Walsh Accountants | Gold Coast

Accountants.” (star rating) Walsh Accountants, 11 Aug. 2020,

oxygen-mask-first-kevin-n-lawrence/. Accessed 12 Sept. 2022.

 Dickens, Charles. A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Writings. 2003. London, Penguin Classics,


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