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Acceptance confirmation of Purchase Order No ( 21645 ).

Date: [ 16/10/2022]

From: [ ‫] ورشة الحمد ألعمال الرخام‬

Address: [ ‫] عزبة العمرى‬
Subject: Acceptance confirmation of Purchase Order No: [ 23707 ]

Good day,

We ) ‫ ( ورشة الحمد ألعمال الرخام‬by affixing our corporate seal and signature on this document and every page
of the photocopy of the Purchase Order (attached) hereby confirm our receipt of your order as enclosed in
the attached purchase order form, and hereby confirm our acceptance of the subject purchase order, number.
[ 23707 ] dated 16/10/2022 .
As per the terms and conditions set forth therein with no exceptions, comments, or reservations.
Best Regards,
[‫]جمال محمد أحمد‬

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