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Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching English 9

I. Objectives: At the end of 60 minutes discussion, with the aid of instructional materials and
ICT, the students will be able to do the following with at least 80% level of proficiency:

a. identify the elements of communication process;

b. appreciate the value of effective communication and its various elements; and
c. act out the communication process effectively in the classroom setting.
II. Subject Matter: The Elements of Communication Process
Reference: (Effective Communication Skills) Angelica A. & Bautista, M.A. (2017)
Materials: Spring board and ICT
Value Integration: Appreciate the value of effective communication and its various
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory/ Introductory Phrase
1. Drill

Good morning class! Good morning, ma’am!

How are you this morning? We are fine ma’am!
That’s good to hear.
To formally start our session, let us pray first. May I
request Ellen to lead us an opening prayer.
Okay ma’am.
Now, let us feel the presence of our Almighty God
as we say, In the name of the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit Amen.
“Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel”
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be
our protection against the wickedness and snares
of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly
pray, and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly
hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin if souls. Amen.
Thank you!
You may now take your seats.

Okay, before we start our class, let me

check your attendance first.

(Checking the attendance one by one)

Present ma’am!
Let me know who are absent today?
None ma’am!
That’s great that we have a perfect attendance
today class. Keep it up!

Now class, before we proceed to our main

discussion, I prepared a group activity related to
our lesson today. This game is called “Fill me in”. I
will divide you into two groups. All you have to do is
to answer the complete word on the board. If you
are done answering, pass the pen to another
person. Each person should answer one item. The
fastest group will receive 2 point each item.
Did you get me class?
Yes ma’am !
1. C_MM_N_C_T_ON
4. D_L_V_R
Correct Answer:

The fastest group who made it is the group 1

Let’s give them a round of applause.

2. Review

Now, before we proceed to our discussion let’s

have first a short recap.
Who among you here can still recall the lesson you
I ma’am!
had last meeting? Anyone?
The lesson we discussed last meeting is all about
Yes, Erica Faye?
Verbal and Non-verbal Communication.

Very good! What do you mean by Verbal

Verbal communication is any communication that
Communication class?
uses words to share information with others.
These words may be both spoken and written.
Very good! What about Non-verbal Communication
Nonverbal communication is the transfer of
information through body language, facial
expressions, gestures, created space and more.
Very well said! Thank you class. That only means
that you truly understood the lesson we had last

B. Development/Interactive Activities
1.1 New Lesson
a. Motivation

Before we will start our discussion this morning, I

have prepared another group activity which is also
related to what we will discuss this morning.
This game is called “Pass the Message”. I
prepared two messages here. With the same group
earlier, you will choose one representative who will
receive the message given by me. Then, the
representative must pass the message to his/her
group mate, and the last member of the group shall
go to the white board to write the message. The
fastest group will be the one to receive the 20
points and other group will also receive 10 points.
Do you understand class?
Yes ma’am.
Alright! Let us start!
“I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen”.
“She sees cheese”.
Very good class! Group 2 got 20 points, while
group 1 also got 10 points.
Let’s give ourselves a round of applause.

2. Presentation
So now class, based on the activities that we did
earlier, what do you think is our topic for today’s
lesson? It is all about the ways of communication ma’am.

Yes, you we’re right! Our topic for today’s

discussion was all about “The Process of

2.1 Setting of Standard

Before anything class, let us have an agreement.

Whenever I am talking here in front, you need to
listen and behave. If I give you some activities, you
need to participate and if you want to answer, just
raise your hand.
Are we clear?
Yes ma’am.
That’s good to hear.

3. Discussion

Class, every day we communicate right? We

communicate in our house, in school, and
inside the classroom. So, what is
communication process all about, and why is
it very important to us?
Yes Ellah?
Ma’am, the communication process is the method of
transmitting information from the sender to receiver
and being able to get a feedback.

You’re right! Communication is very important

to us because it helps us understand and
share information with the people around us.
Now, let us discuss the communication
process. Communication process has 7
elements namely: Sender, Encoding,
Message, Channel, Decoding, Receiver, and
Now, as what the picture shown, what do you
think is the sender?

Ma’am, it is a person who sends the message.

Yes Carl?

Exactly! The first elements of the

communication process is the sender. The
sender must have first the idea. The ideas
you have in mind involves the encoding
process. In order to convey meaning, the
sender must begin to translate information
into a message in the form of symbols that
presents ideas or concepts.

Next, the second elements are encoding.

Creation of a message which you want to convey with
other person.

Yes Audie?
Very good! Encoding is the process of turning
thoughts into communication.  He must
choose the media (speaking, writing,
signaling or gesturing) that the receiver can
comprehend well. For instance, in an
interview your intention is to impress
interviewer, but if you give answers whose
meaning is not clear, the interviewer may
perceive that you are incompetent for the

Next, we have the message

Ma’am, message is the information that is sent or

given by the sender to receiver.

Yes Maria?

Good, Message is an important idea that

someone is trying to express. When sending
a message, you must make sure that the
message is clear.
We also have channel.

A communication channel is the medium or a way how

the message being sent to the intended reciever.
As what you have seen on the picture, what
do you think is the channel?
Yes Jeremiah?

Very good! The channel in a communication

is the medium or the means. For example,
phone calls, text messages, emails, video,
radio, and social media are all types of
communication channels.

Finally, we have the receiver.

The person who receives the message.

Yes Fanchisca?

Very good! If the receiver does not have the

ability to listen, to read, to think, he will not
be able to receive and decode the messages
in the manner the communicator want him
to. For effective communication, the receiver
is the most important link in the
communication process.
How about decoding?

Clark: Decoding means interpreting the meaning of the


Yes Clark?

Good! The decoding of a message is how an

audience member is able to understand, and
interpret the message. It is a process of
interpretation and translation of coded
information into a comprehensible form.
All communication begins with the sender.
The first step the sender is faced with
involves the encoding process. In order to
convey meaning, the sender must begin
encoding, which means translating
information into a message in the form of
symbols that represent ideas or concepts.
The decoding of a message is how an
audience member is able to understand, and
interpret the message.
The last one is the feedback

Carla: Feedback is your audience's response.

Yes Carla?
Good! Feedback on communication is letting
someone know they can improve their
communication. Feedback is the response of
a receiver to a message. It is an indication
that communication has taken place
successfully or not. Any response considered
as feedback-even no response is a feedback.
C. Concluding/Integration Activities
1. Generalization

Did you get what we discussed today class? All: Yes ma’am
When someone’s sends you a message. What
is it called you?
Yes Kyle?
Kyle: A reciever

What do you called for an idea/information that

is being sent to the reciever?
Mark: A message
Yes Mark?
How about the one who send the message?
Tricia: A sender
Yes Tricia?
How about the means of receiving the
message? Gwen: A channel
Yes Gwen?

When someone send you a message and you

are going to interpret it. What is it called?
Mary: Decoding
Yes Mary?

How about when you start turning your thoughts

into communication?
Yes Ellen? Ellen: Encoding

Seems like you really understood well the topic.

Keep it up!

2. Valuing
3. Application

Now class! For the same group earlier. This activity

namely pick and act. I want each group to choose
you think the best actressess and actors among the
group. Let’s have atleast 5 each group to stand here
and act those different scenarios I’ll give. I’ll only
give you 5 minutes to guess what they are portray.

Scenario #1: Dating

Scenario #2: Birthday
Scenario #3: Cooking
Scenario #4: Party
Scenario #5: Pooping
Scenario #6: Bathing

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the different elements of communication process. Write your answer
on the space provided.
____ 1. The source of information or message. (Sender)
____ 2. It is the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the sender. (Message)
____ 3. The process of converting the message into words, actions, or other forms.
____ 4. It is the medium through which a message is sent or receive between two or
more people. (Channel)
____ 5. The process of interpreting the message. (Decoding)
____ 6. The person for whom the message is intended or targeted. (Receiver)
____ 7. It is the reaction or response provided by the receiver. (Feedback)

V. Assignment
Direction: Prepare a two minute speech that communicates your ideas about the topic
Scenario: You are addressing a group of parents and teachers in an assemble on
understanding your generation known as the “Millennial Generation”.

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