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Practice Problems

1. Represent the following numbers in a) Sign and Magnitude b) 1s complement and c) 2’s
complement representation

i) +24 ii) - 24 iii) -8 iv) +13 v) -37

2. Multiply the following numbers using Booth algorithm.
i) 11* 13
ii) 11* -13
iii) -11* - 13
3. Show the step by step multiplication process using AC , QR and Q-1 registers for the below
i) -15* 5
4. Multiply the following numbers using modified booth algorithm / Bit pair recoding( Try one
problem using the registers(A, Q , Q-1 ) method)
i) 23 * 10
ii) 14 * -2
iii) -12* 8
5. Divide the following numbers using restoring division algorithm
i) 14/7
ii) 28/11
6. Divide the following numbers using non- restoring division algorithm
i) 18/9
ii) 27/4
7. Represent the following number in IEEE754 format
i) 12312.13
ii) -14.5

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