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Purposes, Generic Structures and

Example of Narrative Text
Aris Munand 8:49 PM 35
NARRATIVE TEXT - The definition, purposes,
generic structures andexample of Narrative text

A. The definition of narrative text

Narrative text is a story with complication or

problematic events and it tries to find the
resolutions to solve the problems. An important
part of narrative text is the narrative mode, the
set of methods used to communicate the
narrative through a process narration.

B. The purpose of narrative text

The Purpose of Narrative Text is to amuse or to

entertain the reader with a story.

C. Generic Structures of Narrative Text

1) Orientation

Sets the scene: where and when the story

happened and introduces the participants of the
story: who and what is involved in the story.
2) Complication

Tells the beginning of the problems which leads

to the crisis (climax) of the main participants.

3) Resolution

The problem (the crisis) is resolved, either in a

happy ending or in a sad (tragic) ending

4) Re-orientation/Coda

This is a closing remark to the story and it is

optional. It
consists of a moral lesson, advice or teachi
ng from the writer


What is the definition of a narrative

Asked By: Fadiala Dirr | Last Updated: 19th April, 2020
Category: books and literature fiction

4.9/5 (47 Views . 21 Votes)

A. The definition of narrative text
Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events and it tries to find
the resolutions to solve the problems. An important part of narrative text is
the narrative mode, the set of methods used to communicate
the narrative through a process narration.
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Likewise, people ask, what is a narrative text?

Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of
the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story. The
generic structure of Narrative text : 1.

Likewise, how do you identify narrative text? Remember, narrative text structure
uses a story structure that includes story elements such as setting, characters,
conflict, plot (rising action, climax, falling action), and resolution. that the text might
be a narrative text type. type of our text. Use choral reading or have students
follow as you read.

Also to know, what is narrative text example?

Narrative is writing that tells a story. Narratives also have characters and a
setting, as well as a narrator or person from whose point of view the story is
told. Examples of Narrative: When your friend tells a story about seeing a deer on
the way to school, he or she is using characteristics of a narrative.

What are the characteristics of a narrative text?

Characteristics of narrative writing include characters, plot, conflict, setting, and

point of view.

25 Related Question Answers Found

What is the purpose of a narrative?
Narration means the art of storytelling, and the purpose of narrative writing is to
tell stories. Any time you tell a story to a friend or family member about an event or
incident in your day, you engage in a form of narration.

What is in a narrative?
A narrative is a form of writing that tells a story. Narratives can be essays, fairy
tales, movies, and jokes. Narratives have five elements: plot, setting, character,
conflict, and theme. Writers use narrator style, chronological order, a point of view,
and other strategies to tell a story.

What is the structure of a narrative?

Narrative structure is a literary element generally described as the structural
framework that underlies the order and manner in which a narrative is presented
to a reader, listener, or viewer. The narrative text structures are the plot and the

How do you write a good narrative text?

By observing these basic ideas, you can improve your narrative essay.

1. Clarity. Complex words and syntax are a hindrance to clarity and should be
2. Don't describe each and every one of your own movements.
3. Avoid the second-person narrative.
4. To interest the reader, dynamic word choice is key.
5. Limit references.

How long is a narrative?

Review the narrative to make sure it is not too long, as personal narratives are
usually short, no more than one to five pages long. You may also need to meet a
specific length requirement if you are writing the personal narrative for a class.

What are the five elements of narrative text?

These five components are: the characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict, and
the resolution. These essential elements keep the story running smoothly and
allow the action to develop in a logical way that the reader can follow.

What are the 3 parts of a narrative text?

Its three elements or "parts" are exposition, or background information, followed
by complication, the events of the narrative, and resolution, the story's end.

How do you start a narrative?

Writing Tips

1. Write in the first person. Since it's your story, use "I" to start your sentences.
2. Include vivid imagery and lots of sensory details. You want the reader to
experience the event with you.
3. Try to use dialogue, which can help you to engage the reader and add
4. Weave your emotions into your narrative.
What are the steps to write a narrative?
The Dude Abides … by These 8 Steps to Writing a Narrative Essay

1. Read the prompt carefully.

2. Find a topic that fits the prompt.
3. Create an outline.
4. Find a good hook.
5. Write your thesis statement.
6. Use description and vivid details.
7. Wrap it up.
8. Revise.

What do we mean by narrative?

A narrative is a story that you write or tell to someone, usually in great detail.
A narrative can be a work of poetry or prose, or even song, theater, or dance.
Often a narrative is meant to include the "whole story." A summary will give a few
key details and then the narrative will delve into the details.

What is the orientation of a narrative?

Orientation. The orientation sets the scene, mood and introduces the characters.
Try to include 'When', 'Where', 'Who' and 'What' in this section to explain to the
reader what the story is going to be about.

What is a narrative technique?

Also known as literary devices, narrative techniques provide deeper meaning for
the reader and help the reader to use imagination to visualize situations.
Common techniques relevant to style, or the language chosen to tell a story,
include metaphors, similes, personification, imagery, hyperbole, and alliteration.

What are the four parts of a narrative?

What Are the Four Elements Included in a Narrative? A narrative includes four
elements necessary to drive a story along. Without plot, character, point of view
and theme, readers would not empathize with the story or continue reading it.
Readers need characters they care about and a plot to drive them forward.

What is the difference between narrative and expository text?

A narrative text has a well-structured beginning, middle and end.
Most narrative essays also include themes or messages to help readers
understand the point of the story. An expository text includes factual information
that's designed to educate readers, typically involving research, and has a more
formal style.

What are elements of a text?

The parts of a literary text are known as its literary elements. Rather than looking at
a whole novel, we can examine its plot, setting, characters, point of view and
themes individually.

Is a biography a narrative or expository text?

It's true--most expository text is nonfiction, and most
nonfiction text is expository. But biographical and autobiographical writing is a
notable exception. A personal narrative, for example, is a true account of a story
from someone's life--a nonfiction narrative.

What are the 7 elements of a story?

Writers of fiction use seven elements to tell their stories:

 Character. These are the beings who inhabit our stories.

 Plot. Plot is what happens in the story, the series of events.
 Setting. Setting is where your story takes place.
 Point-of-view.
 Style.
 Theme.
 Literary Devices.

¿Qué es un Texto narrativo?

Un texto narrativo es aquel texto que cuenta una historia que se desarrolla en
un período de tiempo y un lugar determinado. La narración hace referencia a la
manera de contar la historia, en forma de secuencia o como una serie de acciones
que realizan los personajes, y que permite al lector imaginarse la situación.
Las historias, los personajes y los lugares pueden ser reales, imaginarios o basados
en hechos verídicos. El narrador de la historia puede o no ser el propio
autor y es quien cuenta el relato al lector empleando cualquiera de las tres
personas gramaticales (la primera persona, la segunda o la tercera).

La narración se utiliza tanto en la comunicación cotidiana para transmitir

información, como en la literatura para la creación de historias de ficción. Cada
autor tiene su propio estilo para narrar, además de que mantienen una estructura
general que identifica a los textos narrativos con una introducción, un desarrollo y
un desenlace.


Características del texto narrativo

Un texto narrativo tiene como fin contar una historia, informar o entretener
al lector. Se caracteriza por la figura de un narrador quien puede aparecer a
través de un personaje dentro de la historia y estará en primera o segunda
persona, o en caso de ser un narrador omnipresente, el relato estará en tercera

El autor es quien le da un estilo al texto narrativo, que puede ser directo

(cuando reproduce de manera literal y entre comillas, lo que dice cada personaje),
indirecto (cuando el narrador presenta o describe lo que dicen los personajes) o
libre (cuando se funden los estilos directo e indirecto).

Un texto narrativo se caracteriza por tener diversos elementos, como:

 El narrador. Es quien cuenta la historia y puede estar presente como uno

de los personajes, ser omnisciente (que todo lo sabe y va relatando las
secuencias) o ser testigo (no conoce toda la historia, pero va narrando lo
que observa).
 Los personajes. Son quienes actúan en los acontecimientos que van
sucediendo en el relato. Pueden ser personajes principales (los
protagonistas sobre los que se basa la historia), o secundarios (quienes
intervienen en hecho puntuales del relato).
 El espacio. Es uno o varios lugares específicos en donde transcurre la
historia. El lector logra imaginar cada espacio y
sentir emociones particulares a través de la descripción que detalla el autor.
 El tiempo. Es el momento o época en la que ocurren los acontecimientos y
puede ser lineal (cronológico) o con idas y vueltas (jugando con los hechos
del pasado, del presente y de futuro a lo largo de todo el relato).
 La acción. Es el argumento de la historia que puede estar explícito desde
un comienzo o que se va deduciendo a medida que avanza el relato.

Estructura del texto narrativo


La estructura de un texto narrativo está compuesta por tres partes:

 La introducción. Es la presentación de la historia que permite situar al

lector en un contexto determinado (en tiempo y lugar), y en la que se
introduce a los protagonistas de la historia.
 El desarrollo o nudo. Es la parte más extensa del relato donde se
conocen los detalles de la historia, de los personajes y de los
acontecimientos que los conectan.
 El desenlace. Es el cierre de la historia en la que se revelan los
interrogantes que surgieron durante el desarrollo del relato. Puede ser un
final trágico, feliz o abierto a la duda con posibilidad de continuar la historia
en obras posteriores.

Ejemplos de textos narrativos

Los textos narrativos son muy diversos y cada uno presenta características
particulares, pero se identifican como texto narrativo porque tienen en común la
estructura de la narración. Algunos ejemplos son:

 El mito.
 La fábula.
 El chiste.
 El poema épico.
 La biografía.
 La memoria.
 La crónica.
 La novela.
 La anécdota.
 La historieta.
 El artículo periodístico.
 El cuento.
 El reportaje.


 “Narrador y estilo narrativo” en ABC color.

 “Texto narrativo” en Portal Educativo.
 “literary texts: comprehension and memory” en International Encyclopedia
of the social and behavioral.
 “Estructura de un texto narrativo” en Un profesor

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