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9.09PM Feeling left behind nite: pheareers SEA itt mlm li nL am UL Hi phcareers! Longtime lurker here, This has been on my mind for a while, and I've gathered the courage to post this today. A series of poor decisions led me to where I am today—I've been unemployed since I graduated six years ago. Yes, you read that right. Stagnant for six years. I'm nearing my 30s, feeling left behind in life Masuwerte ako that my parents are still able to support me, their child who was once an achiever in school. Hindi ako proud na naging palamunin ako dito sa bahay... I've wasted my 20s in a bottomless pit of Crecis Ihave a fine arts degree that I've lost interest in. When you're not passionate about doing creative work, it's apparent in the quality. A stellar creative portfolio is a golden ticket to landing a job in the field. Unfortunately, my portfolio is mediocre at best. I regret not following my gut feeling as early as second year that this wasn't the right path for me; that I should've dropped out or shifted courses. I persevered just to get burnt out when I graduated. I only have myself to blame, because I chose to take this course in Rees eae a eee kee eRe eee he ad school, but I didn't listen, When I was a teen, art was my hobby so I thought I'd enjoy pursuing it in Teac ee nen ea eae sea Rae Dee CEM eRe eke Se mea ad Probably the worst timing to get my act together (two years into a pandemic), but I've been applying to ees Cos Res Cee ee eR ee Ad be willing to hire me, My measly OJT experience highlighting my long unemployment gap is a huge red flag. I have no extracurricular activity, trainings, or skills to boost my resume. I recently started taking courses on Udemy to try and learn new skills but I haven't put them on there yet as it's still ongoing. As of writing, [only have one interview experience under my belt. I'd very much appreciate your insight on which jobs I should be applying to and/or which industries I should be targeting. Interview tips will also be SON ete a ee ee ca Ld I'm introverted and socially anxious, if that matters. All know for certain at this time is that a career in the creative field is not for me. PS. Are cover letters necessary for applications made through job sites (e.g. Indeed, Jobstreet, etc.)? Writing them has been a struggle because of my minimal experience. Edit 02/11/2022: Hi, OP here. Thank you all for the kind comments/messages of encouragement. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one, as several of you have been in or are going through similar situations. I will keep on applying, explore freelancing to build my skills/portfolio, and continue with my online courses. We all start from somewhere, and what matters is that I'm actively trying now. Hopefully, I can update you all with a positive development in the future. eee aL ea ee eee Nhat are your thoughts: row r6dct.comirpheareersicommentslsp7Scajfeeing_left_behind_in_ kf 909 PM Feeling left behind nite: pheareers Ss Ce Cee a Can Markdown Mode QED aed eae el Hello OP, Introverted creative professional here as well - and naging tambay din for a couple of years SSR ECO an ans areca iC ea Ae en etic requirement for every single role / job they can post (I technically dont have one). Iwas in the same boat as you before around 5 years ago. My portfolio was also kinda crappy especially since SR acer ic Roe ee eee Sie aac oe Cu nt at Pa Even now my portfolio is not that stellar to be honest, since I worked on the implementation side of advertising and now doing corporate graphics for the consulting sector. Pero what Im kinda sure of (T'm not saying master since admittedly madam padin akong tricks na di alam) are my eee ee eC CC Set eae SAL Uc Ros ter te te Cc ee eee eee ma RL) Dene Oe eae Ried oat een once Thave to admit the pay and the job itself was not great, but it was an opening for me to work my way up. Eventually I moved to developing branding and new designs for our clients then out of Ree Ree ee ko management noon with the occasional design work. Now, balik ulet sa design work, but since corporate na sya and not advertising, admittedly its a lot less stressful since Im not managing Eras aad TLOR: Technical skills can get your foot through the door. Hold on there, OP. Tiwala lang. PS, Generally, you dont need cover letters unless you know who the hiring manager is. 38 Thank you for sharing your inspiring story! Maybe I should still be open to the possibility of a ea ena cae nea ea ace Reena ete en ease Ree ace rc ROR Nt Ree en ak ca ae eee et Ca and we learn and grow our skills through experience. 3 W Niswtoe ae Sane Oe eur has eu aes Tet aac Rr Ee ees eee barker a ae CODE Mecano eeu ae ‘And yes, nobody is born an expert - what's more important than the technical skills you have now is the grit and the drive to learn. Just make sure that you're continuously learning on the job and growing as a person. fy er rw tedct.comirpheareerslcommentslsp7Scajfeeing_lft_behind_in_ Ife 909 PM Feeling left behind nite: pheareers Ss Cag Ce (Cer a SC Se SE i Ra ean ii come back and post updates! We're rooting for you! :) 29 ed 1 second this OP. I gota freelancing job even though my profile was literally empty on Glifenaesriter cnc te paar care ora ean pe CLE CAS Ne ee nc cea cata each) cli 5 eee) Nios 3 Ero De MU ei es eo Re na SR mee Ese an eee survive. Then build your folio. If you still feel ike doing it, then continue. If not, shift to another design jobs like marketing or illustrations. 2, Find a place at freelance. There are tons of job offerings online from the most basic to Cee aL Oe hk ee eR hd PRR Ce ee ceca gea a SRS eee ere a eee hee cme find that program that suits your curiosity or gives you the feeling of something. Yes, 30 DE a a ocr ec ee as If money is the problem, start by doing small jobs to support your study. Again, freelance. Doesn't need to be related to arts, VA for example is known nowadays and there are lots if, Pee eR R es You need to start small inorder to build a bigger future. No one is an ace from the start. Try to COR er tc eos ee ae aT ty cn) Other people wouldnt really understand how it feels like to have social anxiety unless they are experiencing it. During family gatherings you just cant avoid being compared to your siblings or CONTE eM Cr CCr a aes ie aCe Cue Tay IS Ee oe Seu cee ae treatment or attention compared to her siblings and cousins, Luisa is so pressured to carry all Ra eee ea ee Se eo ae aa ROU eC Ra ee ee ena Ra eC md CR ee Se Re ee Rea life and what you are feeling right now is valid. It will pass. It's never to late to start something ed aaa CMe Se a ae? “4 rm redct.comirpheareersicommentslsp7Scaifeeing_left_behind_in_ hfe 909 PM Feeling left behind nite: pheareers Ss Mm, Cs Gat Can es SC Oe eT Tee CE eeu re a iM cure cot Seer) HR na nang-goghost na after. Allow yourself to try, OP. Alam kong kaya mo yan. We're rooting ara Ed eee ety This is literally me right now, Goodluck to us!! 3 ‘Same, been jobless since mid 2019. Almost in my 30s, introvert, my degree is art related as well Se Cee Neco oes es ec cae ae ans cause my last job wasn't experience rewarding. I'm still trying to find what's the best for me. But let us not lose hope on finding our right path, going 30s is still very young a1 ae ey foeen Mea ene n CT Fy (Op wag ka madown try mo remote work sa IT or Digital Marketing. Sa Ibang bansa hindi tinitignam ung previous employment basta may skill ka. I think you should try graphic artist ease ae cy 0 ae Hi, OP here. Thank you all for the kind comments/messages of encouragement. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one, as several of you have been in or are going through similar situations. Iwill keep on applying, explore freelancing to build my skills/portfolio, and continue RT eM Ce oa cece eS ee POT Re Ca ea ce Rese acs ees 6 co) Pree neh at Eee ORO cue Lr Eur sen ces Pare pareho lang kayong walang alam pag 1st year law. G as Hi OP, Lam currently applying for my first job at 26. I graduated at the age of 20 and took a year off in order to meet the age requirement for law Peo ae aR eee ee Re ec aE working-student because although I am a full-time student, I was performing poorly in school. I rw tedct.comirpheareerslcommentslsp7Scajfeeing_lft_behind_in_ Ife 909 PM Feeling left behind nite: pheareers Ss Mm, Cs Gat Pens SN cur en Re er ne) accomplished lives. 5 cant] SOR R EI i Unto een hea kage Oke coe Cee CER Mae Ree ec enor Rac cen) Luckily, these types of jobs don't really need a very high experience as long as you got the skills, CO 1 Ah yes yung Meta na nag down 35% sa market. ay Cee ee ac ee Cn eee CO Rese Aan a Re Ft eee Meta IMO will not be the big player in the metaverse soon. Try researching more on Web Eres 0 eee) Don't lose hope OP. I'm also introvert but I'm not limiting myself to socialize since marketing ang expertise ko. In my current industry companies also require us to have a creative side background which I'm learning now. Have faith in yourself and you'll land a job. 1 eee) oA 4 row redct.comiripheareerslcommentslsp7Scajfeeing_left_behind_in_ hfe

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