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Excretory System Examination

I. Multiple Choice
1. Study at the image as follow

The name of the part in order (A-E) is....

A. cortex, medulla, pelvis, blood vessel, ureter

B. pelvis, blood vessel, medulla, ureter, cortex
C. medulla, pelvis, ureter, cortex, blood vessel
D. cortex, medulla, blood vessel, ureter, pelvis

2. Look at the picture below!

Name and function with the ‘P’ letter is ....

A. urinary bladder -> collect urine that will be removed
B. ureter -> urinary tract before being expelled
C. ureter -> transfer urine to urinary bladder
D. urethra -> to store the urine

3. Lungs become part of the excretory system is by disposing .. .

A. carbon dioxide through exhalation
B. smoke through exhalation
C. oxygen through inhalation
D. carbon dioxide through inhalation
4. Pay attention to the following statements!
1. Formers of vitamin D from provitamin D
2. Converts provitamin A into vitamin A
3. Erythrocyte and protein remodelling
4. Site of muscle sugars form
5. Prothrombin formation

Based on the statement, the excretory organ in question is…

A. kidney
B. liver
C. skin
D. lungs

5. Study the following image below!

4 2

Number Part Function

A. 1 Epidermis cells that continue to grow undergo regeneration

B. 2 Oil gland produces oil so that the hair does not dry out
C. 3 Sweat gland excrete a little water and urea salt
D. 4 receptor nerve receive heat stimulation
The correct pair between the part of skin and it’s function is
6. Observed the table below!

1 Skin a Blood filtration

2 Kidney b Protection

3 Lungs c Gas exchange

The correct pairs between the organ and its function is ....
A. (1b) – (2a) – (3c)
B. (1a) – (2b) – (3c)
C. (1b) – (2c) – (3a)
D. (1c) – (2a) – (3c)

7. Look at the organ image below!

Excreted substances produced by the organ above is ....

A. urea
B. urine
C. salts
D. sweat

8. Considered the following liver function!

1) Produced glycogen
2) Erythrocyte remodelling
3) Released urea
4) Neutralised toxic

The liver’s function as the excretory organ is ….

A. (1)
B. (2)
C. (3)
D. (4)

9. Study the diagram below!

Function of number 3 is to ... .

A. collect and transfer urine to ureter
B. filter blood and produce secondary urine
C. filter blood and produce primary urine
D. do reabsorption and produce secondary urine

10. Look at the picture below!

The correct pair between the label and the function of the skin’s part that play role in excretion
system is ....

Label Function

A K produce oil
B L warm the body
C M deliver stimuli
D N produce sweat

11. Study the data below:

1. glucose
2. salts
3. urea
4. protein
5. water

The substances that contained in normal urine are … .

A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2, 3 and 5
C. 3, 4 and 5
D. 1, 3 and 4

12. Observe the image below

The function for organ numbered 3 is to …. .
A. filter and absorb the nutrients
B. secretes the blood from blood vessels
C. excretes water, minerals and salts
D. collects urine from ureters

13. The correct pair between the location, process, and result of urine formation is ....

Location Process Result

A malpighian reabsorption secondary urine


B glomerulus filtration primary urine

C distal augmentation secondary urine


D proximal reabsorption urine


14. Part of the nephron is responsible in augmentation process is … .

A. C - glomerulus
B. D - distal tubule
C. A - collecting tubule
D. B - loop of henle

15. Read the article as follow carefully:

“Identifying alcohol-related liver disease during the early stages and abstaining from alcohol can
help prevent further liver damage. It may even be possible to reverse existing damage by losing
weight and making changes to your diet. Once liver damage progresses too far, the only option for
survival is a liver transplant.

If you’re a heavy drinker and begin noticing any changes related to your appetite, weight, pain
in your abdomen, or anything else out of the ordinary, it’s important to see your doctor to discuss
treatment options. Be honest about your alcohol consumption so they can proactively help you.

To diagnose fatty liver disease, your doctor will ask you questions about your family medical
history and your habits related to alcohol consumption. If your liver is inflamed, the doctor may be
able to feel it by pressing on your abdomen, but blood tests will be required to see if you have
elevated liver enzymes or other definitive signs of liver damage. If your health care provider finds
anything after reviewing the initial test results, you will likely undergo additional testing, such as an
ultrasound, CT scan, or a liver biopsy.”


Based on the article, the efforts to relieve the damage to the liver are … .
A. losing weight and making changes to the diet
E. avoid alcohol consumption
F. see the doctor regularly
G. ultra scan, CT scan, and liver biopsy

16. These are the functions of excretory organs:

1. produce bile
2. air exchange process
3. reabsorption of body substances
4. regulate body temperature
5. urine production
6. protection

The functions of skin from the data above are .. .

A. 3 and 5
B. 4 and 6
C. 1 and 2
D. 3 and 6

17. Jisoo has been experiencing itching on her skin for the past few days. When she noticed that
there were reddish color on some parts of her skin, then Jisoo consulted to a dermatologist. The
result of the doctor's analysis stated that the itching on Jisoo's skin was caused by an allergic to
cold air.   Based on Jisoo's case, the probability of Jisoo's skin disease is ... .
A. melanoma
E. ringworm
F. dermatitis
G. eczema

18. Choose the correct pair

between the part of kidney
and its function
19. Place the following events in sequence:
1. urine passes through the ureters
2. urea enters the kidneys
3. urine enters the urethra

A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2, 1 and 3
C. 3, 2 and 1
D. 1, 3 and 2

20. Excretion is a continuous process but urine is not passed out continuously because of ... .
A. urethra
B. ureters
C. urinary bladder
D. kidneys

21. The substances contained in the urine, are ...

A. water, urea, vitamin and blood

B. Ammonia, water, salts and acid

C. Urea, ammonia, water and glands

D. Vitamin, hormone, urea and salts

22. The stages of urine formation is .. .

A. reabsorption – filtration - augmentation
B. filtration – reabsorption - augmentation
C. reabsorption – augmentation - filtration
D. augmentation – filtration- reabsorption

II. Fill the blank

1. Urine contains protein is called … .
2. The other name for secondary urine is … .
3. Skin disorder which have no melanin is .. .
4. Inflammation in liver is ….
5. ADH is stands for … .
6. Name for the cell in liver is … .
7. Part of urinary system as the controller in releasing urine is…
8. Normal urine contains …, … and …
9. One of the auto-immune skin disease is .. .
10. Type of respiration with oxygen is … .
III. Essay
1. Fill in the letters of this image below

2. Mention the 6 functions of skin

3. Explain 3 diseases/disorders of kidney

4. Mention part of nephron (A-G) in the diagram as


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