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Struktur News Item Text

Seperti halnya dengan jenis teks lainnya, news item text juga memiliki struktur yang
membedakannya dengan teks-teks lainnya. Adapun struktur news item report, seperti dikutip di
buku English for Vocation School oleh Isma Rachmadani Siregar, yaitu:

1. Main Event (Inti Kejadian)

Main event adalah kejadian yang diberitakan secara ringkas dari suatu peristiwa yang terjadi
atau biasa disebut dengan berita utama.

2. Elaboration (Background, Participant, Time, Place)

Penjelasan secara rinci dari pemberitaan mulai dari kenapa, siapa saja yang terlibat, kapan,
dan di mana kejadian dari pemberitaan tersebut ditulis atau dibacakan.

3. Resource Information

Merupakan bagian akhir yang memuat sumber dari informasi, misalnya komentar dari
masyarakat atau pernyataan lisan dari narasumber.

Contoh News Item Text

Berikut beberapa contoh tentang news item text, sebagaimana mengutip di buku Tembus
Target Skor TOEFL Tertinggi oleh Panca Prastowo; Supersmart Book Bahasa Inggris SMA
Kelas X, XI, XII oleh Diah Nur Hidayati; Bongkar Pola Soal UNBK SMA/MA IPS 2020 oleh Ika
Femilia P, SPd dan buku TOP ONE Ulangan Harian SMA/MA IPA Kelas X oleh Tim Super

1. Town Contaminated
Main event:
Moscow - A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another soviet nuclear catastrophe,
which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.

Yelena Vazrshaskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a
nuclear submarine at the naval base of Shkortova-22 near Vladivostok.

The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fall-
out over the base and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the Soviet Union.
Residents war told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class submarine during a refit had
been a 'thermal' and not nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to
remove more than 600 tons of contaminated materials were sworn to secrecy.

Resource Information:
A board of investigation was later to describe it as worst accident in the history of the Soviet
2. Indonesia Shine at Run for Friends
Main event:
Two hundred runners from Indonesia and Papua New Guinea (PNG) ran from Wutung to Skouw
in the internasional Cross Border 10K on Wednesday.

The race started at Wafa Village, Vanimo, 7,5 kilometers from the RI-PNG border in Wutung,
PNG and finished in Skouw, Indonesia. The event which adopted 'Run for Friendship' as its
theme, started at 8 a.m. Eastern Indonesia Time.

Heavy rain did not affect the participants who kept their high spirits throughout the race. The
event was dominated by male runners. There were only eight female runners in the event.

Hanafi of Indonesia was first placed in the male category, completing the course in 31 minutes.
Another Indonesian, FG Manori was first place in the female category, completing the course in
44 minutes. The winners in both categories received a cash prize of Rp 5 million, respectively.

Resource information:
The cross border race was the first of its kind held between the two neighboring countries and
was made possible thanks to cooperation between Indonesia Papua provincial administration,
as well as the support of PT Freeport Indonesia as the event partner.

3. An Alliance Could the Answering the Growing Threat from Google and Facebook
Main event:
Apple, which has stumbled in its efforts to get into social media, has talked with Twitter in recent
months about making a strategic investment in it, according to people briefed on the matter.

Although Apple has been hugely successful in selling phones and tablets, it has little traction in
social networking, which has become a major engine of activity on the web and on mobile
devices. Social media are increasingly influencing the ways people spend their time and money
- an important consideration for Apple, which also sells applications, games, music, and movies.

Apple has considered an investment in the hundreds of million of dollars, one that could value
Twitter at more that $10 billion, up from an $8,4 billion valuation last year, these people said.
They declined to be identified because the discussions were private.

Resource Information:
There is no guarantee that the two companies, which are not in negotiations at the moment, will
come to an agreement. But earlier talks are a sign that they may from a stronger partnership
aim intensifying competition from companies like Google and Facebook.

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