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➢ Interview:

Question Answer
Do you find the problem the Yes, it is a real problem that I
app addresses to be a face in real life.
realistic one?
Add a chat between the patient
and the pharmacist, putting a
feature in the program to read
What features can be added the prescription, add an
to the application to make it electronic payment method,
easier and more useful? request the provision of a
specific medicine, submit a
treatment return request after
the purchase process, Possibility
to purchase other products
available in the pharmacy And
Customers' ability to evaluate
purchasing service.

Do you find it useful to Yes, sometimes the patient is

provide a drug delivery unable to go to buy medicine, or
service? he may be busy.
Yes, today the world has
developed, and electronic
purchases have become more
Do you trust online secure and reliable. In fact, you
purchases? may find some users of the
application still do not trust
electronic payment, but the cash
on delivery service solves this

Are there any downsides we Yes, send fake purchase orders.

can face while creating the
System requirements:
Functional requirements:
1. The user shall turn on location service.

2. The user shall search for name of medicine.

3. The user shall see the description of medicine.

4. The application shall display a list of nearest pharmacies that

have the medicine.

5. The user shall put the medicine in shopping cart.

6. The user shall choose the payment method either cash on

delivery or electronic payment.

7. The application shall Order Tracking.

Non-functional requirements:
1. Usability:
The application must be ease to use the public.

2. Accuracy:
The application must provide accurate data about medicine.

3. Portability:
The application must run on IOS as it works in android
without changes.

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