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Who am i?

Introducing yourself is often a boring task, but when art is combined with self-
introduction, it becomes vivid and interesting. However, there are many forms of art,
such as statues, photography, etc. And I choose to introduce myself with a painting.

The title of this painting is I can't imagine life without. It is a work of many colors
intermingled, and I have listed many necessities of life on it, both intangible and
tangible.Those various colors just like the symbol of colorful life.On the one hand, I
wanted the painting to reflect my hobby is playing basketball,my favorite movie is
Avengers, and my favorite video games is CSGO. However,on the other hand, what I
want to reflect is my pursuit of life through this painting. For example, my love for
sneakers of Air Jordan series, my pursuit of trends like some snazzy garment ,also it
depicts my attitude towards my ideal life.That is the perseverance in the face of
hinder. Whenever I encounter difficulties in my study or life and want to give up my
efforts, I will recall this painting, which depicts my pursuit in life. It is like a bright light
that illuminates the road ahead for me. Although the road ahead is full of thorns, my
perseverance and desire for my goal will surely help me to overcome the thorns and
finally reach the other side of life. The personal information in the self-introduction is
only the foundation, but each person's ideal and pursuit can make the self-
introduction sublime and add the finishing touch to it.However, there is much more I
want to express. A single painting cannot reflect the whole of a person.From my
point of view, this painting is not just a clash of colors, but more of an inner emotion.
It is a blueprint that depicts myself.

Who am I? This question is actually quite abstract, and only when you know
yourself well enough can you provide an answer to this question. Yet no one can
really know themselves. Only if we feel with our hearts in life, take every step to find
the real, unique pursuit and goal of life, can we provide a perfect answer to life as
much as possible, and live up to ourselves.These thoughts did not come to me out of
thin air, but many came from this art class and the communication and exchange
with the teacher. This art class helped me to understand the true meaning of life and
brought a lot of new insights to my blind pursuit. Not only that, it also inspired me
through the cases of other famous people, which made me understand more about
art and more about myself to finish such a ‘masterpiece’.

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