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Catnip has the potential to be a repellent but lack the potential to be use as native mosquito killer
many products have been used over the century for example OFF and raid they are both effective in
terms of mosquito repellent but lack the potential to kill mosquito like baygon or tiger our purpose of
conducting this research is to use atis as an alternative mosquito killer which are budget friendly than
using a swatter or electric mosquito killer which cost a lot of money. We also lack the needed data due to
the lack of equipment.

Specifically, It answer to:

1. Is this fruit suitable for having enough potential to exterminate mosquito?

2. How effective does this product compare to baygon or tiger katol?
3. Is there a positive effect on our community in generating a new mosquito killer product?

Despite concerted efforts to eradicate mosquitoes and the diseases they transmit, the
World Health Organization estimates that some 390-million dengue infections occur annually, of
which almost 100-million people fall ill, leading to 25,000 deaths . Mrs. Ofa Fitzgibbons (2021)
Avoiding mosquitoes to protect against bites is always a good idea. But a new North Carolina
State University study shows that the bacteria-ridden exteriors of mosquitoes may be another
reason to arm yourself with a swatter.
When you’re exposed to mosquitoes, you worry about blood feeding,” said R. Michael Roe,
William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor of Entomology at NC State and co-corresponding
author of the study. “Our hypothesis is that mosquitoes can physically transfer bacteria by
landing on you or by defecating on household surfaces, like flies do.
Question 1: Does The Product work?

Alternate hypothesis: The product indeed works as a insecticide and opens up a whole new

perspective in making insecticide

Null hypothesis: The product failed to exterminate the larvae but it gives us a different

perspective in exterminating pests

Question 2: Does the Caladium itself have the ability to exterminate the larvae?

Alternate hypothesis: The Caladium itself undoubtedly has the ability to exterminate larvae

Null hypothesis: The Caladium itself does not have the ability to exterminate, however the

combination of the Caladium extract mixing with the other substances produces the Caladium


Question 3: Does the Product Exterminate the larvae instantly?

Alternate hypothesis: the larvae gets exterminated whenever the product makes contact with the

larvae Null hypothesis: the extermination process takes time to take place but is effect

Mosquito are small insects living in houses or near house and usually lay eggs on the inner wet
walls of containers with water, above the water line. Mosquitoes may be nocturnal, diurnal, or
crepuscular, depending on their species. Most of the mosquitoes prefer to live at dark places. And some
of mosquitoes avoid heat and light, therefore during daytime they remain hidden in the corners, under
the luggage or inside the shoes and they will come out from their hiding places at night to search foods.
The female mosquitoes are blood suckers, they bite during day and night. After sucking blood it will lay
eggs on any surface that contains water. Female mosquitoes are responsible for transmitting diseases to
humans where the transmission at the disease caused by mosquitoes is a grave threat to millions of
people around the world. Especially those malnourished people and those with weak immunity. The
disease that mosquito carries also affect urban and rural communities with poor living conditions
especially to those who have lack of access to safe drinking water and sanitation.

According to the world health organization, mosquito bites were responsible for the deaths of
more than one million people every year and most of it were because of malaria. (This shows that
mosquito is dangerous living organism roaming around the environment.) Mosquitoes are familiar pests
in the Philippines, the danger and sickness that mosquitos carry is many and is a threat to us.

Controlling the continues cases of diseases caused by mosquitoes is extremely important in the
present day scenario. The use of repellents to protect people from bites of mosquitoes has been
acknowledge. The idea of using natural mosquito repellent products as an alternative to develop new
eco friendly repellents could be an friendly solution to scale back the undesirable effects on environment
and human health. We conducted this research to control the continuous cases of mosquito diseases
and to test the feasibility of Elephant Ear (Caladium) leaf extracts against mosquito wrigglers. This
research may hopefully prevent, control and could potentially solve this problem .

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