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Informative Rubric
5 = Excellent 4 = Competent 3 = Needs Improvement 2 = Insufficient 0 = Missing
Outline (20 pts)
Criteria Pts Earned Comments
In proper outline format (using same formatting as provided
example informative outline)
Clearly listed and consistent pattern between points (categorical,
chronological, or spatial)
Attention to detail (correct use of levels, no typos, etc.)
Included at least 3 sources cited both within the body of the
outline and within a separate reference page
Introduction (20 pts)
Criteria Pts Earned Comments
Captured attention and interest
Provided a full thesis
Established credibility and relevance
Previewed main points

Body (25 pts)

Criteria Pts Earned Comments
Included full transitions to and from each main point (reviewing
what was talked about last, and previewing what would be talked
about next)
Clearly fit one of the six informative speech types (object, person,
concept, event, process, or issue)
Used a variety of methods for informing and engaging the
audience (definition, description, demonstration, explanation,
appealing to different learning styles, repackaging info)
Followed the principles of effective informative speaking
(avoiding persuasion and information overload while translating
in a way the audience can understand)
Provided full citations for at least 3 credible sources (including
the author, year, and a 3rd piece of info)
Delivery (20 pts)
Criteria Pts Earned Comments
Followed principles of effective vocal delivery (competence in
vocal variety, pronunciation, and fluency)
Followed principles of effective physical delivery (competence in
facial expressions, eye contact, posture, gestures, and movement)
Wore appropriate attire for the assignment/topic
Delivery was extemporaneous (speaking from keyword/key-
phrase notes)
Conclusion (15 pts)
Criteria Pts Earned Comments
Reviewed the topic and its importance
Reviewed main points clearly and concisely
Provided a vivid and memorable clincher


Deductions: 0
Total: /100 pts

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