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SUBJECTS: Lengua Adicional - Desarrollo de Habilidades Lingüísticas - Cultura

TEACHERS: Prof. Emmanuel Rodríguez - Prof. Andrea Macoretta –

Prof. María Berenice Pantin


1984: A Dystopia Come True?

1) In groups of four students, choose one of the topics developed in the novel of
George Orwell “1984”

 The Dangers of Totalitarianism

 Technology at the Service of Mass Surveillance
 Fear as an Instrument of Power
 Psychological Manipulation and Physical Control
 Control of Information and History
 Language as Mind Control

2) Discuss the following questions:

1. Provide a general definition of the topic chosen.

2. How is the theme explored in George Orwell’s 1984 and the movie V for
Vendetta? Do not fail to prove your assertions through adequate
3. Can you draw any parallels between 1984/V for Vendetta and 20th-
century history? Provide suitable examples.
4. How is the theme relevant in today’s world? Find current newspaper
articles (2022-2023) that help you prove your point.

3) Make a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation on the topic you chose in Step 1. Do

not fail to include all your answers to the questions discussed in Step 2. Each
team member must speak for around 6 minutes. You must also design an
activity for the whole class to check their comprehension of the topic.
Marking Scheme.
There shall be group and individual marks and the aspects to be evaluated are:

 Content
 Style
 Strategy

Content and Strategy.

Want to know how to write a speech?


Body language, both the speaker's and the audience's, is a powerful form of
communication that is difficult to master, especially if the speaker is nervous.

4) Creative writing: write an article for the school website in which you develop
any theme of 1984 depicting similar situations in today’s world.
The article must have between 220-260 words. 
The marking scheme shall be the same used for assessing CAE writing paper.


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