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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Cavite


Mendez, Cavite
Tel. No.: (046)861-0697

Midterm Test in Organization and Management

Name: _____________________________________ Track/ Strand: _______________________ Score:_________

I. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully then encircle the letter of the correct answer.
_____ 1. What is the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the development of management theory?
a. Machine power totally replaced human and animal power creating the need for management
approaches in order to run complex organizations
b. Machine power and human power working together in large and complex organizations required
modern formalized management approaches in order to attain efficiency and affectivity
c. The industrial revolution was based solely on traditional cottage industries where management
theories gradually evolved and developed
d. Machine power substituted human power, machines needed to be organized and managed so that
they can run with efficiency and effectively
_____ 2. A systematic arrangement of people brought together to accomplish some specific purpose.
a. Group c. Organization
b. Club d. Team
_____ 3. Simply put, these are individuals who direct the activities of others.
a. Leaders c. Line/Staff Workers
b. Managers d. Employees
_____ 4. Individuals who are responsible for making decisions about the direction of the organization and establishing
policies that affect all organizational members; requires the highest degree of conceptual and strategic thinking skills
a. Top Managers c. First Line Managers/ Supervisors
b. Middle Managers d. Operators
_____ 5. People who work directly on a job or task and have no responsibility for overseeing the work of others.
a. Top Managers c. First Line Managers/ Supervisors
b. Middle Managers d. Operators
_____ 6. Means doing the thing correctly; refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs; seeks to minimize
resource costs.
a. Effectiveness c. Profitability
b. Efficiency d. Growth
_____ 7. Simply means “goal attainment”
a. Effectiveness c. Profitability
b. Efficiency d. Growth
_____ 8. Includes determining what tasks to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports
to whom, and where decisions are to be made
a. Planning c. Organizing
b. Leading d. Controlling
_____ 9. The process of monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and correcting any significant deviations
a. Planning c. Organizing
b. Leading d. Controlling
_____ 10. Includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities
a. Planning c. Organizing
b. Leading d. Controlling
_____ 11. Includes motivating employees, directing the activities of others, selecting the most effective communication
channel, and resolving conflicts
a. Planning c. Organizing
b. Leading d. Controlling
# 12 – 17. Classify the following managerial roles under the proper heading
Entrepreneur Figurehead Spokesperson
Resource Allocator Liaison Disseminator

Decisional Informational Interpersonal

12. 14. 16.
13. 15. 17.

_____ 18. A manager’s ability to use the tools, procedures, and techniques of a specialized field (i.e. use machinery such
as computers to make financial reports or financial forecasts)
a. Technical Skills c. Conceptual Skills
b. People/Interpersonal Skills d. Political Skills
_____ 19. A manager’s ability to work with, understand, mentor, and motivate others, both individually and in groups
a. Technical Skills c. Conceptual Skills
b. People/Interpersonal Skills d. Political Skills
_____ 20. The term used to describe the hypotheses of the scientific management theorists and the general
administrative theorists.
a. Contingency Approach c. Gen. Systems Approach
b. Human Relations Approach d. Classical Approach
_____ 21. Advocated the use of the scientific method to define the “one best way” for a job to be done
a. Frederick Taylor c. Henry Fayol
b. Max Weber d. Douglas McGregor
_____ 22. Which is not a basic principle of Scientific Management?
a. Selection and training of the best people to do the job
b. Seeking the “one best way” to perform a task
c. Use of rule of thumb or traditional artisanal practices
d. Use of incentive wage plans – the quota system to boost production
# 23- 27 - Henri Fayol’s Principles of Management. Identify the principle of management as to :
a. Division of Labor
b. Unity of Command
e. Equity
g. Remuneration of Personnel
h. Esprit de corps
i. Subordination of Individual Interest to the Common Interest
_____ 23. Employees should have only one boss
_____ 24. Comradeship and brotherhood, shared enthusiasm foster devotion to the common cause
_____ 25. The interest of the organization takes precedence over that of the individual employee
_____ 26. The provision of justice and the fair and impartial treatment of all employees.
_____ 27. Allows for job specialization

_____ 28. Bureaucracy, the ideal type of organization is based on the following EXCEPT:
a. Division of Labor c. Detailed rules and regulations
b. High degree of personal relationships d. A clearly defined hierarchy
_____ 29. A physiological or psychological deficiency a person feels compelled to satisfy.
a. Objective c. Purpose
b. Need d. Want
_____ 30. The backlash to the overly mechanistic view of employees held by the classicists -based on a belief in the
importance of employee satisfaction—a satisfied worker was believed to be a productive worker.
a. Human Relations Approach c. Bureaucratic Approach
b. Administrative Approach d. Scientific Approach
_____ 31. A series of studies that identified social and human concerns as keys to productivity; Social norms or
standards of the group are the key determinants of individual work behavior.
a. The Time and Motion Studies c. The Hawthorne Studies
b. The Gilbreth Studies d. Observational Studies (F. Taylor)
_____ 32. According to Abraham Maslow this is the most basic of all human needs; Need for biological maintenance, i.e.
food, water, shelter
a. Self- Actualization c. Security and Safety
b. Esteem Needs d. Physiological
_____ 33. It is the personal sense of competence, may also be acceptance and respect from others.
a. Self- Actualization c. Security and Safety
b. Esteem Needs d. Physiological
_____ 34. It is the need for stability or protection in the events of daily life; may mean tenure for regular employees, or
the provision of appropriate equipment to lessen the risk of injury in a hazardous work environment.
a. Self- Actualization c. Security and Safety
b. Esteem Needs d. Physiological
_____ 35. According to Maslow, what happens to a particular need when it is satisfied?
a. It continually becomes a motivator for work efficiency
b. It’s effect as a motivator is diminished or lost altogether
c. The individual works toward the attainment of a lower need ( i.e. from security to physiological)
d. Good behavior is supported by repetitive rewards
_____ 36. According to McGregor’s Theory X and Y, What do X type of managers help create?
a. Theory X managers create situations where workers become dependent and reluctant.
b. Theory X managers create situations where workers respond with initiative and high performance.
c. Theory X managers create situation where workers support organizational objectives
d. Theory X managers create situations where workers become self- reliant
_____ 37. Argyris’s theory of adult personality claims that classical management principles and practices inhibit worker
maturation and are inconsistent with the mature adult personality. Which of the following managerial practices DOES
NOT support this claim?
a. Increasing task responsibility c. Increasing task variety
b. Repetitive job assignment d. Using participative decision making
_____ 38. A system is a __________.
a. collection of interrelated parts that function together to achieve a common purpose.
b. collection of independent parts that function individually to achieve a common purpose.
c. collection of interrelated parts that function individually to achieve individual purposes.
d. collection of independent parts that function together to achieve individual purposes.
_____ 39. Tries to match managerial responses with problems and opportunities unique to different situations; No “one
best way” to manage, appropriate way to manage depends on the situation.
a. Scientific Management c. Administrative Management
b. Contingency Approach d. Bureaucratic Management
_____ 40. It is a word which means, “the whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts”.
a. Synergy c. Individualism
b. Uniqueness d. Conformity
_____ 41. What differentiates an open system from an open system?
a. A closed system is a system that is not influenced by and does not interact with its environment
while an open system is a system that dynamically interacts with its environment
b. A closed system is a system that dynamically interacts with its environment while an open system is
a system that is not influenced by and does not interact with its environment
c. A closed system is a system that is influenced by its environment while an open system: a system
that dynamically interacts with its environment
d. A closed system is a system that is not influenced by and does not interact with its environment
while an open system: a system that does not interact with its environment

_____ 42. Which particular characteristic differentiates an open system from a closed system?

a. A strict hierarchy where in individuals report to a single boss who is directly in charge of their daily
b. A feedback mechanism whereby adjustments can be made based on the response of the external
and internal environment
c. A strict set of rules whereby authority and standards for behavior are clearly defined
d. A rigid formal system centered on job specialization and division of labor

_____ 43. The four leadership styles proposed under Blanchard's situational leadership model are:

a. Directing, Coaching, Supporting, Delegating c. Leaders, Followers, Teachers, Students

b. Acting, Leading, Growing, Starting d. Small, Medium, Large, X-Large

_____ 44. Which leadership style applies when followers are unable, unwilling and not confident?

a. Participating Style c. Selling Style

b. Delegating Style d. Telling Style
_____ 45. When followers are able, willing and confident, which leadership style is best to apply?

a. Participating Style c. Selling Style

b. Delegating Style d. Telling Style

_____ 46. When followers are unable, willing and confident, which leadership style can be applied?

a. Participating Style c. Selling Style

b. Delegating Style d. Telling Style

_____ 47. When followers are unable, unwilling and not confident, which leadership style can be applied?

a. Participating Style c. Selling Style

b. Delegating Style d. Telling Style

#48 – 52. Determine the goal of business described in the following. Choose from the list below:

a. Growth d. Power
b. Profit e. Employee Satisfaction
c. Service

_____ 48. Business is a part of society and has several obligations towards it. (i.e. introduction of new products or
services which will improve the quality of life)

_____ 49. The primary goal of most organizations

_____ 50. Caring for worker satisfaction and providing for their development has been one of the objectives of
enlightened business enterprises.

_____ 51. Business should develop in all directions over a period of time.

_____ 52. Business houses have vast resources at its command. These resources confer enormous economic and
political influence.

_____ 53. These are “inside” factors within the firm or business such as mam, machine and money which may influence
the firm

a. The Micro Environment c. The Macro Environment

b. The External Environment d. The Internal Environment

_____ 54. It refers to all external forces, which have a bearing on the functioning of business. Environment factors “are
largely if not totally, external and beyond the control of individual industrial enterprises and their managements.

a. The Micro Environment c. The Macro Environment

b. The General Environment d. The Business Environment

_____ 55. It is understood as the systematic application of scientific or other organized knowledge to practical tasks; It
changes fast and to keep pace with it, businessmen should be ever alert to adopt changes in their businesses in order to
stay ahead of the competition.

a. Engineering c. Mathematics
b. Economics d. Technology

_____ 56. The following are politico-legal factors in the external environment, EXCEPT

a. Labor Laws c. Fair Trade Policies and Antitrust

b. Degree of technical skills of workers d. Human Rights

_____ 57. Characteristics of a population such as age, race, gender, ethnic origin, and social class which influence
marketing, advertising, and human resources decisions.

a. Technological c. Politico-Legal
b. Demographics d. Social/Cultural

_____ 58. The shared characteristics, values, and beliefs of a group that distinguishes them from another group.

a. Religion c. Race
b. Culture d. Language
_____ 59. According to Hofstedter’s Framework, Degree to which influence/control are unequally distributed among
individuals within a particular culture ( i.e. big salary difference between manager and operator)

a. Uncertainty Avoidance c. Power Distance

b. Individualism d. Collectivism

_____ 60. Degree to which members of a society attempt to avoid ambiguity, riskiness, and indefiniteness of future.

a. Uncertainty Avoidance c. Power Distance

b. Individualism d. Collectivism

_____ 61. Extent to which society expects people to take care of themselves and their immediate families

a. Uncertainty Avoidance c. Power Distance

b. Individualism d. Collectivism

_____ 62. Measures tendency of group members to focus on the common welfare and feel loyalty toward one another

a. Uncertainty Avoidance c. Power Distance

b. Individualism d. Collectivism

_____ 63. These are task environment actors who offer more or less the same products or services.

a. Competitors c. Suppliers
b. Consumers d. Middlemen

_____ 64. Goods/Services that can easily replace the firm’s goods/services.

a. Temporary Goods/Services c. Temporary Goods

b. In demand Goods/Services d. Primary Goods/Services

_____ 65. How can customers affect the firm of organization?

a. They produce more items that what is demanded by the market

b. They may choose readily available alternatives from competitors or the organization
c. May choose lower quality products bought in bulk
d. May drive prices up

II. Short Response. Answer the following concisely and clearly.

1. Compare and Contrast Classical Management Approach and Contingency Approach

2. The Systems Approach

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