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Naila is a girl born with fat genes, brown skin, and curly hair inherited from her father. Naila
has a hobby of eating in large quantities. As a result she became a fat woman. With her fat body,
Naila often gets discriminatory behavior from her office mates except for her best friend, Fey. For
Fey, everyone has their own flaws because no one is perfect. Fey is also not without flaws. If Naila
has a fat body, Fey has a thin and short body. That's why, Naila and Fey are two best friends who
complement each other.
This morning, all employees were asked to gather in the meeting room because they have
important things to announce. Mrs. Rossa, the manager of the Krisan company, announced her
resignation. Since Mrs. Rossa resigned, the Chrysanthemum company has experienced many
problems in the marketing sector. Mr. Rendy as the director of the company held a meeting to appoint
a new manager. Mr. Rendy chose Naila as manager. However, he asked Naila to completely change
her appearance within 2 months, if Naila still wanted to take on the responsibility of being a manager.
If Naila fails to change her appearance, the manager position will be given to Liana. Mr. Rendy's
decision made Naila very sad and felt insecure about her appearance, but Naila did not want to waste
the opportunity given by Mr. Rendy, she agreed to these terms.
Naila is just an ordinary office worker, but she has great ideas and potential for the company.
However, there are people who do not like Naila. Especially Liana who always criticized Naila's
physique. Liana always tries to bring Naila down. He didn't like it when Naila was superior to him.
After the meeting, Fey went straight to Naila and asked about the meeting decision.
"How about the decision of the meeting? I'm really sure that Mr. Rendy will definitely choose you to
be the manager!” Fey asked excitedly. Fey really hopes that her best friend becomes a manager at the
Chrysanthemum company.
"Mr. Rendy said that I have to completely change my appearance, because my appearance is not
attractive at all. He said that an idea is not enough but an attractive appearance is also necessary"
"Okay, now let's find a way to lose weight in a short time." Fey and Naila started looking for ways to
lose weight on various social media.
“Nai, you have to take care of your diet and exercise. It's easy Nai, I'm sure you can do it!”
"Thank you Fey, you are my best friend!"
Naila began to watch her diet and exercise regularly. Not only that, she often does skin, face
and hair treatments at the salon. Previously, Naila had brown skin, but now Naila's skin looks
brighter, and her hair, which used to be curly, is now long and straight. For Naila, if she can get an
ideal body, can be more beautiful, maybe she will be happy. But all the changes that Naila got were
inseparable from the help of her best friend Fey. Fey, who always prepared diet food for Naila, Fey,
who always accompanied Naila in yoga classes, and Fey who also helped pay for Naila's treatment.
2 months have passed, finally Naila became Liana's manager and was also appointed as Naila's
personal assistant. But not only has Naila's appearance changed, but Naila's character and attitude
have also changed. He starts to get along with Liana and is no longer as close to Fey. Even Naila
started to dare to talk about Fey's physique. He seemed to have forgotten all that Fey had done for
"Nai we have lunch together right? It's been a long time since we've had lunch together!” Fey asked
“Want to eat nasi padang again? Ouch Fey, don't you get tired of eating plain rice all the time? Yes,
you really need a lot of food to fill you up a bit, but eat healthy food too!” said Naila to Fey.
"Yes Fei. Even though your body is just bones and skin, you still have to eat healthy food to have an
ideal body like us!” said Liana
"You don't have to follow Lin!" Fey starts to get emotional with Liana, who always feels perfect.
"Why are you angry Fey? It's true what Liana said. Oh yes, you also need to change your clothing
style, because your clothes are shabby and tacky! Your body is also getting shorter Fey, I can't even
see you. Try wearing high heels like us. Surely you can look taller. Your skin is also getting black,
Fey. Please take care of his appearance!” Liana smiled with satisfaction hearing Naila say
discriminatory things to Fey.
Fey didn't think that Naila could say something like that to him. Even though he had never said
anything bad about Naila's physique.
"It's useless for you to work in a beauty company, if you can't appreciate people's physiques and don't
understand the true meaning of the word 'beautiful'," said Fey to Naila and Liana. Even though Fey
looked fine, her heart was actually shattered into pieces. Fey, who was disappointed with Naila,
immediately left Naila and Liana.
Since then, Fey broke off his friendship with Naila. Now Naila enjoys her friendship with
Liana, who used to always want to bring her down. This afternoon, the Chrysanthemum company
held a cooperation meeting with the Lilac company. Naila has already prepared the material that she
will present at the meeting later. Suddenly Liana gave Naila a glass of drink and said that the drink
was effective in keeping the body ideal. Naila immediately finished the drink without anything left.
Without Naila knowing it, Liana exchanged Naila's materials with hers.
"Let me introduce to you, she is Ms. Naila Kynaira, the new manager at the Chrysanthemum
company. The marketing strategy is always successful, I believe our company will make big profits!”
said Mr. Randy.
While explaining the material in the meeting room, Naila started to feel dizzy, her speech
became slurred, she couldn't concentrate on today's meeting material, her vision started to blur, even
standing up became difficult. The director of the Lilac company started to get emotional when he saw
the unclear material that Naila was displaying on the projector. Mr. Rendy felt embarrassed by Naila's
attitude, he immediately called the security guard to take him away from the meeting room and asked
Liana to replace Naila in explaining the meeting material. After the meeting was over, Mr. Rendy
went straight to Naila angrily.
“You idiot, work just like that is no good! Luckily there is Liana who provides material well, unlike
you! Starting today, you are no longer a manager. I fire you!” Mr. Rendy snapped, Liana smiled with
satisfaction because her plan was successful.
"But sir... please listen to my explanation first," said Naila, but Mr. Rendy didn't want to hear any
explanation. Naila's actions today are truly disgraceful.
"Liana, please help me explain to Mr. Rendy, okay? Help Lin.." Naila whined and begged Liana for
"I don't care about your life, it's none of my business!"
"But you are my friend Lin, can you bear to see your own friend in trouble?"
"I'm not your friend and I don't want to be your friend anymore!" Liana said curtly, she immediately
left Naila alone.
Naila realized that Liana befriended her only to bring her down. Liana doesn't really accept
Naila as her friend, she just takes advantage of Naila. Naila also realized that she had lost her best
friend, Fey. Friends who are always sincere friends with her, who always accept Naila as she is, and
always support her. Naila immediately rushed to Fey and apologized to her.
“Fey, I'm sorry, I've talked badly about your physique. Now I realize that I was so focused on my
career and appearance that I forgot about our friendship." Naila admits her mistake to Fey.
"It's okay Nai. You should also know that keeping up appearances is good but being yourself is even
better.” Finally Fey forgave Naila, they became friends again. Naila felt happy and sad at the same
time, sad because she had to lose her job and happy because she got her best friend back.

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