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Manager: what happened? What was the problem?

did this worker bother you (looks

at her badly?).
Ian: This girl, she’s yelling at me and making me hate this place.
Lila: that’s a lie, he started insulting me and trated me badly.
Manager: (sees Ian), i’m sorry, she is new and is just getting familiar with the place
and how to treat customers.
Ian: Then apologize to me.
Narrator: The manager looked at lila and approached her.
Manager: Apologize to hi or else I’m going to fire you and you don’t want that right?
Lila: I’m sorry, this is not going to happen again.
Ian: It’s okay, it seems that you are always rude and that doesn’t go away quickly.
Narrator: Ian turned around and left.
Manager: You won’t be at the cash desk for a week, now you will help with the
cleaning and i will lower your salary (he/she left).
Narrator: A few days passed and after school lila was heading to work. Fourtunately
she had not met Ian again.
Daiana: So if you like your job or not?
Lila: Yes, but i like to be more at the checkout and not cleaning bathrooms.
Daiana: It’s Good that I don’t work, I couldn’t handle so much.
Lila: Your biiggest job until now was just taking care of your brother.
Daiana: That’s very tiring, you know? I hate children, they never sit still and always
make noise.
Lila: But they are cute.
Daiana: No, they give me a headache, ever now just thinking about them is giving me a
Lila: I’m sure you’ll be the first to have children, because you hate them so much, it’s
going to show them.
Narrator: Both girls continued playing and talking, until they arrived at where lila

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