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“Did you see that?” shouts alexander.

“What?” I yell back at him.

Suddenly, I feel water spraying against my back. I gulp and my arm hair stand on end as I
turn to look behind me. There, a majestic yet monstrous beast stared down at me with
blood-red eyes. I feel my shoulders shaking with anticipation as I try to get a hold of myself.

“You won’t die… Come on Alina” I repeat to myself as gaze into the fire dragon’s eyes.
This beast, Rarjana was one of many mystical legends; a creature of myth who brought
havoc and chaos into the lives of everyone. My tribe the Amazons still told many cautionary
tales about this dragon. I curse Alexander in my mind, and I accept the fact that death is
nearly here if I don’t do something about it. I mutter prayers as I squeeze my eyes shut and
try to remember why Alexander and I thought it was good idea to go hunt for a creature this
powerful. I steel myself and breathe out holding my sword, Warbringer tight in my palms.
Rarjana roars in fury as Alexander levels his spear at her. He sprints forward releasing a war
cry and jumps onto the monster’s back, thrusting the spear into its scaly back. The spear
splintered and crumbles into ash but Alexander hols tight and attempts to climb. I ready
Warbringer and sneaks behind Rarjana while she bats her claws and breathes fire towards
Alexander. Without a warning, Alexander screams in pain and crashes into the river. Anger
and rage boil my blood and I raise my sword and point it at the beast.
“You monster!” I yell in frustration. I run towards her and plunges my sword into her scales. I
mentally wince in pain as my family heirloom sends a resounding clang through my hands. I
continue to hack through her scales, but nothing happened.
Roaring with anger, Rarjana throws me off. I land in a tangle of limbs and pain shoots up my
ribs as I try to breathe. I see a pillar of orange, molten fire heading toward me, and I close
Suddenly, an arc of blue fire appears around the dragon burning furiously and her stream of
fire abruptly stops. I crawl back a step back in shock and disbelief.

The blue fire was a mark of the Amazonian kingdom, but it had collapsed after a war
centuries ago. Rarjana roars in pain, her scales dry and start smoking. I smell the burning
flesh and before my eyes the beast is reduced into nothing more than ashes and bones.
Alexander stumbles out of the river clutching arm, hissing in pain. I run towards him, but he
pushes me away and stares at the skeleton of the beast.

‘Who did that?” he asks.

Alexander turns towards me. “What have you done?”
I fall onto my knees, my frame shaking with sobs as I try to take in what happened.
“What have you done? “he whispers.

These characters are mine and I own all rights.

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