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plato believes that self as a divine or the soul as a divine the most divine aspect of the self but
basically he's saying that the soul is the most intellectual part or aspect of the human person

St.Augustine also thinks that this world is a material world and there is a higher one with another kind
of world that world is where we want to live because that is the world is again the perfect world and
that is we must strive. To be with God again so that we can live in that world, St. Augustine
perspective was the one allowed us to realize that this perspective can also be integrated in religion
and faith and this is basically the philosophical perspective that has been very influential in
Christianity .

St.Thomas Aquinas have believed that a man is composed by body and soul and according to him we
are similar to animal other creature in a way that we have a material being and that’s our body and
your are different because you have your own souls that makes those bodies move.

Rene Descartes is the father of philosophy and his very famous quotes “ I think Therefore I am” for
him the existence body is not the proof that he exists it’s also not the proof that you exist that’s the
doubt that he exhibited.

John locke According to him we got disconnected from our former self. According to John locke the
person is born like a blank slate or Tabula Rasa which means when the person is born he really knows
nothing he is clueless about the world. So the perspective of John locke that the person is a blank
slate .

David Hume Is known for bundle theory he believed that the person or the self is a collection of
impression and impression is vivid products Of their experience.

Sigmund Freud he is the father of Psychoanalysis he did not believe that we are capable of aggression
he only added Thanatos so that people have the capability to hurt other people. For him people are
just motivated by two things either pleasure or aggression.

Gilbert Ryle he denies the existence of internal non-physical self he only believe in the body but not in
the existence of the soul and the self is not an entity that one can locate. And according to ryle in
order for you to understand your self just look at what your doing in your day- to – day because that’s
the self.
Merleau-Ponty he denies the dualistic ideas by saying that the mind and the body cannot be
separated so according to him let us not believe in the perspective that try to the mind and the body
let’s not think of the self as the body and the soul.

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