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1. Escolha o possessive adjective (adjetivo possessivo) adequado para cada sentença.

a) _______ car is in the garage. ( our / mine )
b) _______ keys are in her purse. ( its / her )
c) _______ clothes are dirty.    ( Hers / Your ) 
d) _______ hair is messed up. ( His / Theirs )

2. Marque a alternativa em que a frase está com a tradução correta.

a) Nossa casa fica no centro da cidade. 

(Its house is in the city center.)

b) Minha namorada é estrangeira 

(His girlfriend is foreign.)

c) Seu celular está descarregado 

(Your cell phone is discharged.)

d) Janice perdeu seus sapatos. 

(Janice lost their my shoes.)

3. De acordo com a frase abaixo, marque a alternativa onde são mencionados

corretamente os possessive adjectives.

“Minha casa fica longe da cidade e a casa dela fica perto da cidade. Então, nossas casas
estão distantes”

“_____ house is far from the city and _____ house is close to the city. So _____ homes
are far apart.”
a) My, Her, Our
b) Our, His, My
c) Its, Her, Their
d) Their, His, Our

4. Traduza a frase abaixo:

There are 5 people in my house.


5. Observe a imagem abaixo:

Tick the sentence which best describes this family.

a) There are five members in this family.
b) The mother is responsible for the family.
c) This is a very big family.
d) There are two boys.

6. Observe a tirinha:
O pronome “it” se refere:
a) à formiga.
b) ao Garfield.
c) ao doce.
d) ao jornal.

7. Qual a tradução que melhor define a frase: “It´s for him!”?

a) É para ele! 
b) Isto é dele!
c) É dela!
d) Isso são deles!

8. Leia o texto e responda:

“Hotmart is a complete platform for those who want to create and sell digital
products such as e-books, online courses, videos, subscriptions, among others. It is
widely used by content producers and affiliates. It is a company with a worldwide
presence and promotes entrepreneurship and distance education. Hotmart allows anyone
who wants to work with digital products. Best of all, many people are well paid working
in this digital market.”
Texto: Tudo Sala de Aula

The purpose of the text is:

a) describe a product.
b) advertise a product.
c) tell a story.
d) convince the reader.

Hotmart is a platform:
a) physics.
b) natural.
c) digital.
d) school.

According to the text, Hotmart's goal is to offer an environment so that people can:
a) produce and sell products.
b) advertise store products.
c) find a relationship.
d) attend a university.

9. Leia ao diálogo:
Dana: What do you like doing on the weekends?
Eric: I love rappelling!
Dana: Really?! I hate it! In fact, I don’t like any adventure sport.
Eric: But, do you like going to the beach?
Dana: Sure. I love it!
Eric: So, let’s go to the beach on Saturday.
Dana: Sorry, I can’t. It’s my dad’s birthday. We’re having lunch together.
Eric: I see. How about Sunday?
Dana: That sounds cool. Let’s meet at nine in front of the mall.
Eric: Ok! See you then.

A tradução correta da frase: "What do you like doing on the weekends?" é:

a) Qual atividade você faz nos finais de semana?
b) O que você não gosta de fazer aos finais de semana?
c) Que esporte você pratica aos finais de semana?
d) O que você gosta de fazer nos finais de semana?

Segundo o texto, Eric ama:

a) rap.
b) futebol.
c) rapel.
d) reggae.

Dana não gosta de nenhum (a):

a) esporte.
b) atividade esportiva.
c) esporte de aventura.
d) esporte radical.

The part of the text: “Sure. I love it!”, the detached pronoun refers to:
a) “you”
b) “like”
c) “weekends”
d) “beach”

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