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TOPIC 2: Three Ways in Explaining a Concept Paper

1. Definition
a. Method of identifying a given term by briefly explaining in-text or in a parenthetical
b. Gives clearer context on the purpose or usage of the term.
c. Can be presented in 3 ways:
i. Formal – explains a term by giving the term to be defined itself, then its general
category, then a unique description of the term that differentiates it from the
other terms in the general category
(e.g., from module) Tocopherol (Vitamin E) is naturally found in vegetable oil,
fish, and nuts.
ii. Informal –usually uses broad and/or colloquial adjectives to define the term.
(e.g.) Lose pants such as the one I am wearing now makes me feel comfy.
iii. Extended – explains a term by further detailing it through various patterns of
(e.g., from module) Vitamin E is a light yellow fat-soluble vitamin that acts as an
anti- oxidant.
d. Answers the question “What does it mean?”

Signal Words for Definition

As defined For instance Means To define
For example Is defined as Such as To illustrate

2. Explication
a. A method of explanation in which an excerpt from a literary or academic work is taken
and then explained in detail.
b. Usually consists of an introduction and body. Optionally, another paragraph is added for
a conclusion.
c. A thesis should be presented on the introduction of the explication.
d. Conclusions could be in paragraph or sentence form.
i. Conclusions should be concise and could relate to the thesis and major
3. Clarification
a. A method of explanation in which multiple points and examples are analyzed and
organized in a deductive manner (broad to specific).

Signal Words for Clarification

After all For instance Namely That is
As an example In other words Put another way To be specific
Comsider the In particular Specifically To clarify
In short Stated differently To illustrate
For example

NOTE: Explication and Clarification examples are found in the module.

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