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College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan

Tungol, Angelina Nicole G. BSN 2D


1. Give negative and positive implications of the Computer System in Nursing Practice. Please explain
your answer.

The downside of computer systems is that they can experience technical problems, such as crashes or system
failures. It can cause delays and disrupt nursing workflows. Data theft and security breaches can occur on
computer systems. The privacy and confidentiality of patients can be compromised by this. It can be necessary
to increase nursing staff in order to implement computer systems due to additional training and support
requirements. Using computers can reduce personal interaction between nurses and patients, negatively
impacting their satisfaction and care.

The use of computers has enhanced efficiency and productivity in many nursing tasks, such as documentation,
ordering medications and treatments, and scheduling. There has been a reduction in patient care errors, such
as medication errors, thanks to computer systems. Nurses are reminded, drug interactions are checked for,
and accurate documentation is ensured. By facilitating real-time access to health information, computer
systems have improved communication between healthcare providers, which is vital in emergencies and when
working on complex cases. By making medical information, patient histories, and medication information
available to nurses, computer systems have contributed to patient safety. As a result, better decisions can be
made and care can be provided. Records can be accessed securely, centralized, and easily by computers,
which can be used for research and clinical decisions.

2. Give negative and positive outcomes of the Computer System in Nursing Education. Please expound
your answer.

The use of computers in nursing education leads to negative outcomes. There is a possibility that nursing
students will feel anxious about computer systems in their
They may feel overwhelmed by the
volume and detail of information, negatively impacting their learning. There may be a lack of face-to-face
interaction in online courses. A lack of relationships with peers and educators can negatively impact students'
professional development. Software glitches and internet connectivity issues can affect computer systems.
Education quality can be reduced as a result of these problems affecting the learning process. Cyberattacks,
data breaches, and hacking present cybersecurity risks to online platforms and electronic health records. The
nursing profession can struggle from privacy and security concerns as a result of these risks.

In nursing education, computers have changed the field. Simulations and virtual labs have been introduced to
enhance the learning experience for students. Students who cannot attend traditional classrooms can now
study nursing using computer systems. As long as students have an internet connection, they can study online
from anywhere, at any time. Nurses, educators, and healthcare professionals can communicate more easily
with computer systems. Using online platforms, email, and video conferencing makes collaboration and
teamwork easier. Paper-based health records have been replaced by more accurate and efficient electronic
health records. These systems teach students how to keep records, improving their skills.

Our Mission
Our Vision
To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing
A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and inclusive production programs and services through progressive enhancement of its human
programs and services by 2030. resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms.
College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan
3. Give negative and positive implications of the Computer System in Nursing Research. Please explain
your answer.

Nursing researchers overuse computerized systems, leading to lack of critical thinking and creativity. This can
reduce the quality of research. Data loss or delays in research can be caused by technical problems
associated with computerized systems, such as system crashes. Researchers may find this time-consuming
and costly. It is possible for computerized systems to cause risks to the privacy and security of research data.
Data must be protected from unauthorized access or theft by researchers. Some research institutions may not
have the resources to invest in computerized systems because they are costly to set up and maintain.
Research capabilities and technological access may differ due to this.

Data loss and corruption can be reduced by using a computerized system for storing and managing large
amounts of data. As a result, researchers will be able to come up with more accurate findings. In addition to
analyzing data and producing reports, computerized systems save researchers time and effort. In nursing
research, this can lead to faster identification of trends and patterns. It is easier to collect, analyze, and report
data using computerized systems. By doing this, we can improve the accuracy of our research findings, which
in turn will improve patient outcomes. Researchers can collaborate and communicate more effectively with the
assistance of computerized systems, allowing them to share resources and knowledge more effectively.

4. Give negative and positive and positive outcomes of the Computer System in Nursing Administration.
Please explain your answer.

The downtime of networks, software glitches, and hardware malfunctions can all affect computer systems.
Nursing administration tasks can be interrupted and care can be delayed as a result. Data breaches on
computer systems can affect patient information and compromise patient confidentiality. Despite its benefits,
nurses may resist implementing computer systems, resulting in low adoption rates, poor usage, and minimal
use. Manually completing nursing administration tasks may become less efficient and effective as nurses
become over-reliant on computer systems. In nursing administration, computer systems are expensive and
require significant investments in hardware, software, and training.
Computers have greatly enhanced nursing administration tasks efficiency and productivity, including
scheduling, record-keeping, and inventory management. Nursing administration tasks are made more accurate
and safer with computer systems, which reduce the chances of errors. Better communication among nurses,
physicians, and other healthcare professionals is enabled by computer systems, leading to better coordination
and better outcomes for patients. Nursing is made easier, faster, and more secure with computer systems due
to the ease, speed, and security of accessing patient information. Through automation of tasks, reduced
paperwork, and improved productivity, computer systems can help reduce administrative costs.

Prepared By: Dhazel-don C. Pangilinan RN MAN

Our Mission
Our Vision
To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing
A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and inclusive production programs and services through progressive enhancement of its human
programs and services by 2030. resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms.

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