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of Faith (Life after Death)

17/09/2020 9:37 AM

Q. Give a detailed account of the Muslim belief in Life after Death.

Ans: Life after death is the fifth article of faith and is also called the hereafter or
Al-Akhirah in the Holy Quran. It is after the Day of Judgement which is a fact. It is
the second most important belief of Islam. Before it the world will be destroyed.
There are two places in life after Death “heaven or hell”. If are good deeds are
more in weight than our bad deeds we will be rewarded with heaven which is
very peaceful and we will be immortal and will be provided with everything we
want but if our bad deeds are more than our good deeds in wight we will be
punished and will go to hell which is a place full of fire. The fire is more hot in the
hell than the fire of earth. When a man dies his soul will leave the body and its
new life will begin in Barzakh. The body will be in its grave but his souls will be
living in Barzakh till the Day of Judgement. Only Allah knows when will the Day of
Judgement and the Last day or hereafter will come.The sun will be folded up. The
moon will be in darkness.The stars will fall down. The ocean will boil over and
burst forth. All landmarks will be lost.The world will cease to be in the form we
see now.A new Earth and Heaven will emerge.Everyone alive will die.The dead
bodies will be raised from their graves and rejoined with their souls.Everyone will
then stand before Allah for accountability.
All angels from the seven skies will come in rows and
stand in lines before Allah.The righteous will be given their record
in the right hand while the sinners in their left hand or from behind
their backs.Heaven and Hell will be filled with people. People’s
hands, feet and tongues will bear witness
against them. No bargaining, no friendship will come forth or no
intercession. No parents, children, spouses or relatives will speak in
anyone’s favour. Ignorant will be thrown in Hell while the believers
and righteous will be sent to Heaven. There are seven heavens
which will be for innocent and good people. It will be guarded be
Angel Rizwan. The guard of hell is Angel Malik. Hell is made of fire.

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