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Nama : Muhammad Aditya Wijaya

Stb : 4522
Prodi : Teknik Pemasyarakatn A
Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

2) an essay of at least 250 words responding to a point of view, argument or problem. (tell us
about some cases in prison)
On Thursday night, July 11, 2013, fire and riots hit the Class I Penitentiary Tanjung Gusta
Medan. It is suspected that this was triggered by a power outage and the depletion of water
supplies for prisoners and convicts. According to Safawi (Head of Public Relations at the
North Sumatra Legal and Human Rights Regional Office) when everyone was busy preparing
the iftar menu, one of the inmates burned paper or other flammable materials.
At the time of the fire, the prison occupants were restless and in the afternoon they began to
rebel. Some of them then set fire to the warden's office. After the fire spread, about 200 of the
2,599 inmates in the prison fled.
From this incident, I think that the supervision at the Class I Penitentiary Tanjung Gusta
Medan needs to be improved again, not only in terms of supervision of prisoners and
prisoners but also supervision from other things that also need to be considered, such as
supervision of electricity supply or other controls that trigger fires and another error. And
also checking the luggage of prisoners and convicts must be increased again, in my opinion,
there should be at least once a week in order to reduce the carrying of prohibited items by
prisoners and convicts that trigger riots inside and outside the Class I Penitentiary Tanjung
Gusta Medan. Therefore, the officers must also improve their quality or ability in maintaining
security in the Correctional Institution

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