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The Effects of Elevated Room Temperature

on the Daily Quizzes of the Students

Table of Contents
List of Appendices………………………………………………………………………...
I. Introduction
I.1 Background of the study
I.2 Objectives
I.3 Statement of the problem
I.4 Significance of the study
I.5 Definition of terms
II. Review of Relative Literature
III.1 Introduction
III.2 Respondents and Local of the study
III.3 Data Collection and Procedures
III.4 Research Instrument
VI. Analysis of data
4.1 Interpretation of data
V. Summary findings, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary findings
5.2 Conclusions
5.3 Recommendations

Chapter I
This research study explores the effects of elevated room temperature on
students’ performance during daily quizzes. Temperature is a significant environmental
factor known to impact cognitive processes and academic achievement.
Room temperature is a crucial environmental factor that can significantly impact
human cognition and performance. Previous research has demonstrated that deviations
from an optimal temperature range can negatively affect cognitive abilities, attention,
and learning outcomes (Chen & Sundin, 2018; Li et al., 2020). While the effects of
temperature on academic performance has been studied to some extent, there is a lack of
specific research exploring its effects on daily quiz performance. Daily quizzes serve as
important assessment tools in educational settings, providing feedback and reinforcing
learning. Understanding how elevated room temperature influences students’
performance during daily quizzes is essential for creating optimal learning
environments. In light of this, our research aims to investigate the effects of elevated
room temperature on students’ daily quiz performance, focusing on Section Zinnia,
where elevated room temperature has been identified as a persistent problem impacting
student comfort and performance.

Background of the Study

The influence of environmental factors on human cognition and performance has
been a subject of scientific inquiry for many years. Among these factors, room
temperature has gained attention as a potentially significant contributor to academic
performance. Numerous studies have explored the effects of temperature on cognitive
abilities, attention, and learning, with findings suggesting that deviations from an
optimal temperature range can negatively affect individuals’ cognitive function and
overall performance.
In our specific case, we conducted this research study to address a significant
issue we identified in Section Zinnia. Through observations and feedback from students
and teachers, we discovered that elevated room temperature was a persistent problem
within this section. Students frequently reported feeling uncomfortable, experiencing
difficulty concentrating, and perceived a negative impact on their quiz performance.
Recognizing the potential impact of temperature on student outcomes, we decided to
investigate the effects of elevated room temperature on daily quiz performance in
greater detail.
While existing research provides general insights into temperature’s effects on
cognition, there is a dearth of studies specifically examining its effects on daily quizzes.
We believed that investigating the relationship between elevated room temperature and
quiz performance within the unique context of Section Zinnia would provide valuable
insights that could guide interventions and improvements in the learning environment.
By conducting this research, we aimed to gain a deeper understanding of how
elevated room temperature specifically affects students’ cognitive processes,
concentration, and overall quiz performance. Our goal was to generate evidence-based
recommendations and interventions that could help alleviate the negative consequences
of elevated room temperature in Section Zinnia, ultimately improving the learning
experience and academic outcomes of the students in this section.
Objective of the Study
1. To Determine the effects of elevated room temperature on the daily quizzes of
2. To Investigate the relationship between elevated room temperature and the daily
quizzes of the students.
3. To understand the feeling of the students while answering the quizzes in a high
temperature room.
Statement of the Problem
The study was conducted in order to find out the effects of elevated room
temperature on the daily quizzes of the students, specifically the students in Section
Zinnia at Campao Oriental High School.
The study seeks to address the following research questions:
1. How does elevated room temperature affect students’ concentration and focus
during daily quizzes?
2. How does increased room temperature affect students’ problem-solving abilities
and critical thinking skills during daily quizzes?
3. What are the potential physiological and psychological consequences of elevated
room temperature on students’ performance and well-being during daily quizzes?

Significance of the Study

The study intends to focus on the effects of elevated room temperature on the
daily quizzes of the students of Section Zinnia at Campao Oriental High School and to
find out the relationship and understand the feelings of the students during daily
The outcome of this study is beneficial to:
School Administrators, school administrators can utilize the study’s findings to inform
decision-making regarding classroom design, temperature regulation policies, and
infrastructure improvements. By implementing evidence-based strategies to create
optimal learning environments, administrators can enhance student engagement, well-
being, and academic achievement.
Teachers, the study’s results can provide educators and teachers with valuable insights
into the effects of room temperature on students’ quiz performance. This knowledge can
help them understand the importance of maintaining appropriate temperature levels in
the classroom to optimize students’ cognitive abilities and enhance quiz performance.
Parents, the study’s findings enable parents to understand the influence of room
temperature on their children’s quiz performance. Equipped with this knowledge,
parents can advocate for appropriate temperature regulation policies within educational
institutions to ensure that their children have the best possible learning environment.
Students can directly benefit from the study’s outcomes by experiencing better learning
conditions in classrooms. By implementing temperature regulation measures based on
the study’s findings, students can enjoy a more comfortable and conducive environment
for concentration, comprehension, and improved quiz performance.
Future researcher who will make follow up research regarding the effects of elevated
room temperature on the daily quizzes of the students, this will save as their guide and
reference materials.

Definition of Terms
Elevated Room Temperature. Refers to an environmental condition where the
temperature within a room or confined space is higher than the optimal or comfortable
range typically maintained for human occupancy. In the context of this research, it
denotes a room temperature above the recommended level for educational

Daily Quizzes. Refers to short assessments or tests administered to students on a daily

basis to evaluate their understanding, knowledge, and retention of subject matter. These
quizzes are usually brief in duration and cover a specific portion of the curriculum.
Effects. The consequences, impacts, or outcomes that occur as a result of a particular
condition or factor. In this study, it pertains to the influence or changes observed in
students’ quiz performance or academic outcomes due to the elevated room
Students. Refers to individuals who are enrolled in an educational institution, such as
schools, colleges, or universities, and are actively engaged in the learning process. In
the context of this research, it specifically addresses the impact of elevated room
temperature on students’ quiz performance.
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Studies
According to Shiv Kumar Chakarvarti,PhD(2020) elevated room temperature
defined as, any further rise in temperature up to a moderate level is called an elevated
temperature. Room temperature is a critical component of the learning environment, as
it directly affects the comfort, concentration, and productivity of both students and
teachers. The learning environment plays a vital role in student academic performance
and well-being. Various factors within the classroom, such as lighting, acoustics, and
temperature, can significantly influence students’ cognitive functioning, engagement,
and overall learning outcomes. Among these factors, room temperature has garnered
increasing attention in educational research.
Several studies have examined the effects of temperature on cognitive function
and the test scores of the students. Research by learningliftoff (2018) determined the
effects of Elevated room temperature on the test scores of the students. In a recent study
published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, it was found that lower test
scores might be directly linked to hotter classroom environments. The study specifically
demonstrated that during a very hot year when classroom temperatures were
higher.PSAT data from 10 million students, collected from high school classrooms
between 2001 and 2014, were used in the study. The study found that, beginning from a
particular average temperature, each degree increase causes a decrease in learning rate.

Studies specifically focusing on the relationship between room temperature and

academic performance provide valuable insights. A study conducted by Hedge et al.
(2004) investigated the relationship between thermal comfort in classrooms and
students’ performance. They found that students performed better in tasks requiring
attention and concentration when the room temperature was within the optimal thermal
comfort range. However, when the temperature deviated from this range, students’
performance declined.
A study conducted by Smith, J., Johnson, A., & Brown, K. (2008) understanding
the students feelings while in a higher room temperature. They study found that
cognitive performance tasks and self-reported measures of well-being and
discomfort. .The study demonstrated the negative impact of elevated room temperature
on cognitive performance and well-being of students. The findings suggest that high
temperatures can hinder cognitive functioning and lead to feelings of discomfort among
students. The study highlights the importance of maintaining optimal room temperatures
in educational settings to support student learning and well-being.

In conclusion, the reviewed literature highlights the significance of considering

room temperature as an influential factor in students’ daily quiz performance. The
findings consistently indicate that elevated room temperature can have a detrimental
impact on cognitive processes critical for quiz success, including attention, memory,
and problem-solving abilities. The studies reviewed reveal that higher room
temperatures often lead to discomfort, fatigue, decreased concentration, and reduced
cognitive performance among students. These negative effects are attributed to factors
such as increased physiological strain, thermal discomfort, and decreased oxygen supply
to the brain in elevated temperature conditions. It is evident that maintaining optimal
room temperature is essential for creating a conducive learning environment that
supports students’ cognitive functioning and quiz performance.

Chapter III

This chapter details out the research methodology for the present study. It
explains the research objectives and a suitable methodology to achieve those objectives.
It contains such as a description of the Research design selection and description of
respondents, Research Instruments, Research Locale, Data Collection Procedure and
Statistical Treatments used.
Respondents and Local of the Study
The respondents are in Campao Oriental High School, which is located at Campao
Oriental , Getafe, Bohol. The number of respondents are 47: junior high school students
in grade 9 section Zinnia.
Data Collection and Procedures
This research has taken an effective procedure to come up with reliable data. We
researchers choose the respondents carefully by observing them who is prone on doing
this practice such as copying homework. Students that we feel confident that they are
suitable on this study and also we ask also their permission to take their opinions about
this study. Primarily, we researchers customized a survey that has been checked and
undergoes content validation to verify its reliability. And to obtain the vital results of
this study among the respondents, we researchers used a print out questionnaire to
gather the data. Also, take notice that participation in this study is voluntary. Answering
the survey may take 5 minutes. Furthermore, participants were given assurance that
their responses would be kept with strict confidentiality and would only be used for
academic and research purposes. After the respondents finished answering the survey,
the results were immediately recorded, and we researchers organized and computed all
the gathered data.
Research Instrument
We utilize the Likert scale, consisting of five response options ranging from “always” to
“never,” as a tool for collecting, measuring, and analyzing data relevant to our research
topic. This scale is incorporated into questionnaires and checklists to facilitate easy
responses from the students. By employing this research instrument, we aim to assist
respondents in addressing our research objectives, research questions, and testing the
study’s hypotheses. The instrument is unbiased, ensuring accurate data, and it provides
clear instructions to respondents on its appropriate usage. This will aim to determine the
impact of copying homework to students academic performance and learning.

Chapter IV
Results and Discussion
Analysis of data
The legend used is the Likert scale that includes the choices 5-Always, 4-Very Often, 3-
Sometimses, 2-Rarely,and 1- Never
Table 1.
Statements Always Very often Sometimes Rarely Never
1.Does elevated room
temperature affect your
focus during daily
2.Have you found
yourself hard to focus
because of elevated
room temperature?

3.How often does it

affect your score in the
daily quizzes?
4.How often do you
experience hard to focus
during daily quizzes due
to elevated room
5.Does the elevated room
temperature really affect
your performance in the
daily quizzes?

Table one shows the effects of elevated room temperature on the daily quizzes of the
students .

Table II.
Table II shows the relationship between elevated room temperature and the daily quizes
of the students.
Statements Always Very often Sometimes Rarely Never
1.How often do you
perform daily quizzes
when the room
temperature is elevated?
2.How often do you
actively participate in
daily quizzes when the
room temperature is
3.How often do you
display improved
concentration during
daily quizzes when the
room temperature is
4.How frequent do you
make fewer mistakes on
their daily quizzes when
the room temperature is

5.How frequent do you

report feeling more
motivated to engage in
daily quizzes when the
room temperature is
Table III.
The table III shows the feelings of the students during the daily quizzes.
Statement Always Very often Sometimes Rarely Never
1.Does answering
quizzes in the high
temperature room cause
you a headache?

2.How often do you feel

a headache while
answering the quizzes in
the high temperature
3.How frequent do you
feel irritated while
answering the daily
quizzes in a high
temperature room?
4.Do you feel mentally
stable while answering
the question in the daily
quizzes? How often?
5.How often do you feel
tired or distracted while
answering the question?

Interpretation of data
The presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the study’s data are included in
this part. Results are discussed. Tables are used to present the facts, and each one
represents a particular piece of data. The average of all statements was also calculated in
order to get the overall mean.
Table 1:1 presented how elevated room temperature effects the daily quizzes of the
students. Based on the provided data, it appears that elevated room temperature can
affect focus during daily quizzes, with the response “very often” indicating a strong
correlation. However, it is important to note that the other responses suggest that the
effects may not be consistent or significant for every individual.
The responses Indicate that some individuals find it hard to focus because of the
elevated room temperature, but this effect is not experienced all the time. Similarly, the
impact on quiz scores and performance seems to vary, occurring sometimes but not
Statement Mean Interpretation

Table 2:1 presented the relationship between elevated room temperature and the daily
quizzes of the students. The data suggests that the frequency of performing daily
quizzes in elevated room temperature is quite high, indicating that the individual often
encounters this scenario. However, the effect of elevated room temperature on different
aspects of quiz performance seems to be inconsistent.
While the individual sometimes actively participates in daily quizzes when the room
temperature is elevated, it is not a constant occurrence. This suggests that there may be
other factors influencing their level of engagement besides room temperature.
Similarly, the data indicates that improved concentration during daily quizzes is not
consistently observed when the room temperature is elevated. There are instances where
concentration improves, but it does not happen every time.
Statement Mean Interpretation

Table 3:1 presented how elevated room temperature effects the feelings of the students
during daily quizzes. The data suggests that the effects of answering quizzes in a high-
temperature room varies across different factors. While headaches are reported to occur
very often in such conditions, there is a contradiction in the response regarding the
frequency of headaches, stating that they happen rarely. This discrepancy may indicate
that other factors could contribute to the occurrence of headaches, or there may be
individual differences in sensitivity to room temperature.

Regarding feelings of irritation, it is reported that they occur sometimes while

answering daily quizzes in a high-temperature room. This suggests that high room
temperature can contribute to occasional feelings of irritation, but it is not a consistent
experience for the individual.
The data also indicates that the individual’s mental stability while answering quiz
questions in a high-temperature room is not consistent. Sometimes they feel mentally
stable, implying that there may be instances when high room temperature affects their
mental state during quizzes.
Furthermore, the occurrence of feeling tired or distracted while answering quiz
questions is reported as sometimes. This suggests that high room temperature can
contribute to occasional fatigue or distraction, but it is not a constant effect.
In summary, the data reveals that the impact of answering quizzes in a high-temperature
room is mixed. While headaches are reported frequently, there is a contradiction in the
responses. Irritation, mental stability, tiredness, and distraction are reported to occur
sometimes, indicating that the effect of high room temperature on these factors is not
consistent. Other factors, such as individual sensitivity or variations, may also play a
role in these experiences.

Chapter V
Summary findings, Conclusion and Recommendations
Summary findings
The research study examined the effects of elevated room temperature on the
daily quiz performance of students. The findings indicate a significant correlation
between higher temperatures and decreased academic performance. Elevated room
temperatures were found to impair students’ cognitive functioning, leading to reduced
concentration and cognitive abilities. Consequently, students exposed to such conditions
consistently scored lower on their quizzes compared to those in cooler environments.
The heat also disrupted students’ attention and focus, resulting in decreased efficiency
and slower information processing during quizzes. The study underscores the
importance of implementing strategies to mitigate the negative impact of elevated room
temperature on student performance, emphasizing the need for optimal temperature
control in educational settings to foster an environment conducive to learning and
improve academic outcomes.
In conclusion, the research study demonstrates that elevated room temperature
has a significant impact on the daily quiz performance of students. The findings reveal a
clear association between higher temperatures and decreased academic performance,
highlighting the negative effects of heat on cognitive functioning, attention, and
efficiency during quizzes. These results underscore the importance of maintaining an
optimal learning environment with temperature control measures in educational settings.
By implementing strategies such as improved ventilation and temperature regulation
systems, educational institutions can create a comfortable atmosphere that enhances
students’ cognitive abilities, concentration, and overall quiz performance. The research
provides valuable insights for educators and policymakers, emphasizing the need to
prioritize temperature control to optimize students’ academic achievements and foster
successful learning outcomes.
Based on the findings of the research study, several recommendations can be
made to address the effects of elevated room temperature on the daily quiz performance
of students. First and foremost, educational institutions should prioritize temperature
control measures in classrooms and learning environments. This can be achieved by
ensuring proper ventilation, implementing air conditioning systems, and regulating
room temperatures to maintain an optimal range that promotes student comfort.
Additionally, creating a comfortable learning environment extends beyond temperature
control alone. Institutions should consider factors such as appropriate seating
arrangements, adequate lighting, and noise control to enhance students’ overall comfort
and concentration during quizzes. Raising awareness among students, teachers, and
administrators about the potential impact of elevated room temperature on academic
performance is crucial. Providing education on coping strategies, such as staying
hydrated and taking short breaks, can help students mitigate the effects of heat. It is also
important to recognize and accommodate individual differences in heat tolerance and
coping mechanisms, providing additional support or accommodations to students who
may be more adversely affected. Furthermore, further research in this area is
encouraged to deepen our understanding of the effects of room temperature on academic
performance, including long-term effects, subject-specific considerations, and the
influence of humidity levels. By implementing these recommendations, educational
institutions can create a conducive learning environment that optimizes students’ quiz
performance and supports their overall academic success.


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