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1. Please explain all the methods you have learned.

( minimally 5 methods )
2. What are the differences between GTM and Audio Lingual Method.

1. Direct Instruction (Low Tech)
Direct instruction is the general term that refers to the traditional teaching strategy
that relies on explicit teaching through lectures and teacher-led demonstrations.
2. Flipped classrooms (High Tech)
A key benefit of the flipped classroom model is that it allows for students to work at
their own pace if that is how the teacher chooses to implement it. In some cases,
teachers may assign the same videos to all students, while in others, teachers may
choose to allow students to watch new videos as they master topics (taking on a
more “differentiated” approach).
3. Kinesthetic Learning (Low Tech)
Sometimes known as tactile learning"or "hands-on learning", kinesthetic learning is
based on the idea of multiple intelligences External link , requiring students to do,
make, or create. In a kinesthetic learning environment, students perform physical
activities rather than listen to lectures or watch demonstrations. Hands-on
experiences, drawing, role-play, building, and the use of drama and sports are all
examples of kinesthetic classroom activities.
4. Differentiated Instruction (Low Tech)
differentiation is focused on individual student needs, it is mostly planned and
implemented by the teacher. And technology, though a potential aid, is not a
hallmark of the differentiated teaching style, making it a fairly traditional, low-barrier
method to adopt.
5. Expeditionary Learning (High Tech)
The learning in this model includes multiple content areas so that students can see
how problem-solving can happen in the real world--ideally, their own worlds. A
student in a big city, for example, might study statistics about pollution, read
information about its effects, and travel to sites in their city that have been impacted
by the problem. When they have a good understanding of the circumstances,
students and teachers work to find a solution they can actively implement.

2. The Grammar-Translation Method: This method grew from the traditional method of
teaching Latin and Greek. The method is based on analysis of the written language using
translation exercises, reading comprehension and written imitation of texts. Learning mainly
involves the mastery of grammatical rules and memorization of vocabulary lists. The
Grammar-Translation method requires the learner to spend a lot of time understanding the
language structure. Listening and speaking suffer because of this. Understanding the
structure is helpful in reading and particularly in writing. Grammar and vocabulary are
emphasized throughout. This is the method of choice for large groups because control of
the class is easier. It also is used when writing is most important.
The Audio-Lingual Method: This method is also known as the aural-oral method. It is a self-
teaching method. The learning is based on repetition of dialogues about everyday situations
that are imitated and drilled to make the response automatic. Reading and writing are both
reinforcements of what the learner practices. The Audio-Lingual Method also allows the
learner to communicate quickly but within the limited range that the repetition allows. It
gives a good comprehension only if the speaker uses what the learner has studied. Reading
is limited, and an understanding of how to use the language is very limited. This is the
method that is used when a live trainer is not available.

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