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Eng Ed 24 language teaching approaches.

Write at
least three to five words separated by
Principles and Theories of Language commas that you can think of that
Acquisition and Learning exactly describe the learning theory in
Module 6 each item.

1. Grammar translation:
2. Audio-lingual:
Approaches to Language 3. Cognitive-code:
Teaching _____________________
4. Direct method:
What is this lesson about? 5. Natural approach:
Teaching a foreign language to 6. Total Physical Response:
pupils may be a difficult but rewarding _____________________
task that provides them with completely 7. Suggestopedia:
new avenues for communication. It is _____________________
advantageous for teachers to be aware 8. Desuggestopedia:
of the many language teaching _____________________
approaches so they can be adaptable in Let’s read!
their approach to instruction. In this
module, you will learn about the most Proficient language teachers can
common techniques for teaching foreign frequently be recognized for their
languages. creative and innovative methods of
instruction. To engage their pupils and
What will you learn? enhance learning outcomes, they are
At the end of this lesson, you are always experimenting with novel
expected to: teaching techniques and tools.
 Discuss the varied
approaches to
language teaching Language teachers understand
 Cite specific classroom that there’s no quick fix that they can
practices wherein each deploy to help students quickly become
approach is applied fluent in their target language. Instead
 Relate the principles of there are some common, evidence-
interactive language
based teaching approaches which can
teaching to classroom
help make a difference. This module will
enumerate the present-day language
teaching methods.
What do you already know?
Brainstorming: Test your prior 1. Grammar Translation
knowledge regarding the most common

The grammar translation method  Repetition, in which the
is a method of teaching foreign student repeats the
languages derived from the classical teacher’s statement
method of teaching Greek and Latin. In exactly
grammar-translation classes, students  Inflection, where one of
learn grammatical rules and then apply the words appears in a
those rules by translating sentences different form from the
between the target language and the previous sentence (for
native language. Advanced students example, a word may
may be required to translate whole texts change from the singular
word-for-word. The method has two to the plural)
main goals: to enable students to read  Replacement, which
and translate literature written in the involves one word being
target language, and to further students’ replaced with another
general intellectual development. while the sentence
construction remains the
2. Audio-lingualism same
This way of teaching was  Restatement, where the
developed in response to some of the learner rephrases the
problems associated with Grammar- teacher’s statement
Translation. As a result, classes are
usually held in the target language as This technique’s name comes
this approach deliberately seeks to from the order it uses to teach language
prioritize speaking and listening skills. skills. It starts with listening and
Activities typically involve speaking, followed by reading and
students repeating the teacher’s words writing, meaning that it emphasizes
(either face-to-face or through hearing and speaking the language
headphones in a language lab) until before experiencing its written form.
they get the pronunciations and rhythm Because of this, teachers use only the
right. Good work is rewarded by the target language in the classroom with
educator and mistakes are quickly this TESOL method.
corrected. Many of the current online
The audio-lingual approach language learning apps and programs
encourages students to develop habits closely follow the audio-lingual language
that support language learning. teaching approach. It is a nice option for
Students learn primarily through pattern language learning remotely and/or
drills, particularly dialogues, which the alone, even though it’s an older ESL
teacher uses to help students practice teaching method.
and memorize the language. These
dialogues follow standard configurations 3. Cognitive-code
of communication.
There are four types of dialogues The cognitive approach, also
utilized in this method: known as cognitive code-learning

theory, was advocated by cognitive audiolingual method which relies on
psychologists and applied linguists such pattern drills as a means of teaching
as J.B. Carroll and K. Chastain in the syntax, without explicit explanation of
1960s. It was intended as an alternative grammatical rules.
to the audiolingual method that
emphasizes habit formation as process
of language learning. Because of its The cognitive approach is
emphasis on studying a foreign essentially a theoretical proposal. It did
language as a system of rules and not lead to the development of any
knowledge, rather than learning it as a teaching method as far as classroom
set of skills, the cognitive approach is procedures and activities are
sometimes considered the modern concerned.
version of the grammar-translation
4. Direct Method
The cognitive approach is based
on gestalt psychology (learning should In the direct method, all teaching
be holistic; learning becomes easier occurs in the target language,
when one treats the target as part of a encouraging the learner to think in that
structure or system and understands language. The learner does not practice
how it is related to the rest of the translation or use their native language
system) and transformational grammar in the classroom. Practitioners of this
(language is rule-governed and creative; method believe that learners should
these are related because you can use experience a second language without
a language creatively only when are any interference from their native
familiar with the rules of that language). tongue.

The cognitive approach considers Instructors do not stress rigid

the conscious study of language rules grammar rules but teach it indirectly
as central to the learning of a foreign through induction. This means that
language. One of its most important learners figure out grammar rules on
concepts is meaningful practice. their own by practicing the language.
Practice is considered meaningful when The goal for students is to develop
the learner understands the rules connections between experience and
involved in practice. Thus, conscious language. They do this by concentrating
study of grammatical rules is not only on good pronunciation and the
allowed, but also considered central to development of oral skills.
language learning. The teaching of This method improves
grammar is deductive in this approach. understanding, fluency, reading, and
The learner is encouraged and helped listening skills in our students. Standard
to first have a clear understanding of a techniques are question and answer,
grammatical rule before they practice conversation, reading aloud, writing, and
and use the rule in meaningful contexts. student self-correction for this language
It represents a sharp contrast to the learning method.

prepositions (e.g stand in front of the
5. Natural Approach teacher).
This approach aims to mimic
natural language learning with a focus
7. Suggestopedia and
on communication and instruction
through exposure. It de-emphasizes
formal grammar training. Instead, Suggestopedia is a method of
instructors concentrate on creating a foreign language teaching developed by
stress-free environment and avoiding Lozanov. It makes use of dialogs,
forced language production from situations, and translation to present
students. and practice language, and in particular,
makes use of music, visual images, and
Teachers also do not explicitly
relaxation exercises to make learning
correct student mistakes. The goal is to
more comfortable and effective
reduce student anxiety and encourage
(Richards,,1990). It is a method of
them to engage with the second
teaching a foreign language in which
language spontaneously.
students learn quickly by being made to
Classroom procedures commonly feel relaxed, interested and positive
used in the natural approach are (Hornby, 2005). From these two
problem-solving activities, learning definitions, it is clear that Suggestopedia
games, affective-humanistic tasks that uses techniques to make the students
involve the students’ own ideas, and feel relaxed, comfortable, interested in
content practices that synthesize order to learn more quickly. In the late
various subject matter, like culture. 70s, a Bulgarian psychologist by the
name of Georgi Lozano.
6. Total Physical Response Desuggestopedia is an
application of the study of suggestion to
Total Physical Response or TPR
pedagogy. Desuggest is the opposite of
is a way of language teaching in which
suggest. It is used to eliminate the
the teacher presents language objects
negative feeling and Suggestopedia is
as instructions and the students have to
used to reinforce the positive feeling and
do exactly what the teacher tells them.
to release the full mental power. This
Students might therefore be asked to sit
methodology has been developed to
down, stand up, point to the clock or
help students eliminate the feeling that
walk to the front of the class.
they cannot be successful or the
As students improve, such negative association they may have
instructions can become more detailed toward studying and thus help them
including additional elements for overcome the barriers to learning. This
language comprehension, including theory emphasizes the power of
adverbs (e.g. talk quickly), adjectives students’ feelings and puts the main
(e.g put on your red jumper) and focus on them. Though Suggestopedia
has been primarily been used for foreign

language teaching, it can be used to
teach any subject. It is known in the
western world as ‘Super-learning’ or
‘Suggestiveaccelerative learning.’ This
method has many uses from improving
language learning, to favorable side
effects on health, social and
psychological relations and the success
in other subjects.

How much have you learned?

Instruction: Sort the following
information inside each box into their Table:
proper place in the table. Refer to the Description
first example as your guide. Learning is
largely by
Selection: Grammar translation to
The Translation and from the
approach is target
based on
the notion
Language Suggestopedia
being that
It is used teaching This approach
to method built aims to mimic
eliminate around the
would make natural
negative coordination
the learner language
Language Teaching Approach

feeling. of speech
more learning with a
and action
receptive focus on
and, in turn, communicatio
stimulate n and
acquiring exposure.
Gestalt habits; there Total Physical
Direct Response
Learning is much
Theory practice of An approach
dialogues in mainly based
every on gestalt
situation. psychology.
Natural The Silent Cognitive- Desuggestopedi
Approach Way code
All teaching
happens in the

forcing the
learner to think
and speak in
that language.
The learner
does not use
their native
language in
the classroom
at all

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