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Work for: Week 37

CL 4 - MATHEMATICS (2021-22)

Q1: Convert the following into kg and g:

a) 8000g
b) 90004g
c) 50342g
d) 7450g
Q2: Add the following and find the answers in kg and g:
a) 500g, 200g, 1kg
b) 5kg, 200g, 500g, 1kg

Q3: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer:

a) If the cost of 2kg onions is ₹18, then the cost of 1kg is ______.
b) If the cost of 500g potatoes is ₹5, then the cost of 1kg potatoes is _____.
c) If the cost of 100g peas is ₹4, the cost of 1kg peas is _____.
d) If the cost of 1kg apples is ₹80, then the cost of 5kg apples is _____.

Q4: A vegetable-seller had 45kg of brinjals. He sold 23kg 250g. How much quantity
is left with him?

Q5: Suneeta has 2kg of turmeric powder. She wants to put them into smaller packets
of 100g each. How many packets will she need?

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