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I Calculate in the Environment - ICE

Erasmus+ Small-Scale Partnerships KA 210 Sch Project Macedonia Event

Day 1 – MONDAY 

09.30-12.30 Meeting with the school administration and the teachers, acquaintance of all the

students who are participants in the project, exchange of gifts, visiting the premises where classes are
held in our school, viewing the school workshops, laboratories and the sports hall.

12.30-13.30 lunch break

16.00-19.00 Ohrid Cultural tour (sightseeing of Ohrid)

Day 2 – TUESDAY 

9.30-12.30 Application of the digital tool DESMOS in mathematics classes.

Attending math classes

12.30-13.30 lunch break

13.30-16:30 Application of Mathematics in Robotics. Visit to the robotics and robot

programming lab


9.30-12.30 Creating mixed groups of students and performing joint activities

(proposing solutions for given mathematical problems using the DESMOS digital

platform). Work in groups

12.30-13.30 lunch break

13.30-16:30 Presentation on recycling electronic waste. How to protect nature from

electronic waste, economic benefits of recycling.

Working in mixed teams: Showing examples of the application of mathematics in

physics, electronics and electrical engineering.


9.30-12.30 Using GEOGEBRA in Mathematics. Group activities of mixed teams of

12.30-13.30 lunch break

13.30-16:30 Application of Mathematics in Programming. Visiting the laboratory of informatics and


Application of Mathematics in Physics. Attending physics classes

After classes a party is organized for the project participants

Day 5 – FRIDAY 

9.30-12.30 Group activity. Creating mixed teams, making cards with different

mathematical concepts. Performing math games (quizzes, memory)

12.30-13.30 lunch break

13.30-16:30 Awarding of certificates


The school year in Macedonia starts on September 1 and ends on June 10. The

school year consists of two semesters. The first semester starts on September

1 and ends on December 30. And the second semester starts on January 21 and

ends on June 10 (students from the fourth year finish earlier due to passing the final exams )

The lectures take place in two shifts. The first shift starts at 07:30 and

lasts until 13:20, and the second shift starts at 13:30 and lasts until 19:20. The

students from first and third year study in one shift, and the students from second

and fourth year study in the other shift. Shifts change every two weeks

Due to this shift in teaching, there may be changes in the hours for performing planned activities

(for example, an activity that was planned

to be performed in the period from 09:30 to 12:30 would be performed in the

period from 13:30 to 16 :30 and vice versa). As soon as we know the date of the

planned visit, the exact dates and activities that will be performed in the classes

will be specified.

For certain activities, our partners may also be involved, but we can definitely

confirm everything when we know the days of the visit.

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