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Education for Chemical Engineers 29 (2019) 1–8

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Project-led-education experience as a partial strategy in first years of

engineering courses
Ana M. Ruiz-Ortega a , Juan J. Gallardo-Rodríguez b,c,∗ , Elvira Navarro-López c ,
María del Carmen Cerón-García c
Department of Humanities, Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, Andres Bello University, Chile
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Concepción, Chile
Department of Chemical Engineering, Higher Engineering School, University of Almería, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recently, there has been a growing tendency to substitute or supplement teacher-centered strategies for
Received 31 January 2019 others student-centered. These include problem-based learning or collaborative learning. In certain areas,
Received in revised form 6 May 2019 such as engineering, project-led learning collects some of the benefits of problem-based learning and
Accepted 30 May 2019
integrates others that are of interest to the formation of engineers. More recently, project-led education
Available online 5 June 2019
as an integral strategy has been demonstrated in several European universities with impressive results.
Students have a lower dropout rate, a lower period of adaptation to professional practice and better soft
skills. While this implementation requires a general model change, at least at the faculty level, partial
Project-led education
Problem-based learning
strategies applied in specific courses could pick up some of the positive aspects of these methodologies. In
PBL this paper, obtained results in a second-year Unit Operations course (grade of bioengineering) by applying
Chemical engineering this type of partial strategies are discussed. The student’s acceptance was good, and both motivation and
Engineering teaching academic results improved significantly. It was observed a deeper and wider knowledge acquisition in
Higher education the students. Teacher’s workload increased, although, as there was a maximum of 25 students, it was
manageable. It was concluded that transition from traditional to project-led learning strategies can be
done within a subject without an educational model change at faculty or university level.
© 2019 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction cesses for the acquisition of new knowledge and problem-solving

skills. Although some authors consider that the PLL is a type of
At present, many universities are implementing new didac- PBL (Watson, 2002). Kolmos described PLL (“project-based learn-
tic methodologies based on the acquisition of learning through ing” in her words) differentiating it from PBL, since in the former
the performance of projects. This type of methodology shows students must acquire management skills and come up with a
the emphasis on the active role of the student who must give common product (Kolmos, 2009). The term Project-Led Education
form to the content given, so that the problem/project will be refers to an educational model where the complete curriculum
solved. This approach can report significant benefits, since deliv- is delivered using projects (Warmerdam, 2017). Examples of this
ers reasoning and communication skills which are needed for the implementation are Twente University, Aalborg University and
professional practice (Duch et al., 2001). First of all, it would be Roskilde University (Kolmos, 2009; Warmerdam, 2017). PLL, com-
necessary to make a distinction between project-led learning (PLL) pared to PBL, tends to be more interdisciplinary, lengthened in time
and problem-based learning (PBL), as important differences have and tries to solve real-life problems (Kolmos, 2009). It has been
been pointed out (Hanney and Savin-Baden, 2013). Mainly, com- stated that these learning methods can be used in combination and
plexity level of problems/projects. Both the PBL and the PLL are are complementary (Mettas et al., 2007).
student-centered strategies where the teacher designs the learning Traditionally, in engineering schools the concept of “project”,
scenario and plays a role in guiding the learning process. Moreover, typically carried out in the last year of the grade, has been part
in both cases it is sought to engage the student in research pro- of the education plans. This project consists of an original exer-
cise carried out individually, consisting of a comprehensive work of
any discipline. In these “projects”, the knowledge to be applied had
previously been given to the student in previous courses through
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engi-
classical pedagogical methodologies. In this way, this learning tool
neering, University of Concepción, Chile.
E-mail address: (J.J. Gallardo-Rodríguez).
seeks the student to confront and solve similar problems to those
1749-7728/© 2019 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 A.M. Ruiz-Ortega et al. / Education for Chemical Engineers 29 (2019) 1–8

that will solve in his future professional activity, functioning as a will require, then the process cannot be controlled (e.g., Hanney
professional validation. It can be stated that the traditional con- and Savin-Baden, 2013). The goal of these strategies is not for the
ception of projects and the PBL are mature methodologies. On student to deliver a project, but to learn during the process. How-
the one hand, PBL has been widely applied in medical sciences ever, in the centres where an integral strategy is used and all the
for decades (Barrows, 1986). Some authors have emphasized that professors, from different areas of knowledge, form an educational
PBL, compared to other methodologies, allows greater retention of team it is possible to take this methodology to a good term. In
knowledge in the long term, improves performance and increases PLE, as an integral strategy, groups of students work collabora-
student satisfaction (Strobel and Van Barneveld, 2009). PBL can tively for a whole semester in the delivery of a project, in which
be structured in 3 phase cycles (a) problem and diagnosis, (b) they must make use of most of the contents of the subject or course
self-directed study and (c) problem solving, which respond to 3 (Powell and Weenk, 2003). As was indicated above, some examples
learning objectives: acquisition of knowledge in an autonomous where these approaches have already been applied with positive
manner (related to the problem), acquisition of generic skills and experiences are the University of Twente (Netherlands), where it
knowledge and, finally, acquisition of broader professional skills was improved the student’s performance and the rate of abandon-
for problem solving. On the other hand, the traditional project (as a ment (Warmerdam, 2017) and the Aalborg University (Denmark)
learning strategy) can be described as a pedagogical method where (Kolmos, 2009). In the former, classical subjects have been inte-
the student works on a complex design problem. The project can be grated into broader “modules” which are evaluated as a whole. For
divided in individual questions or problems which should be solved these modules, a project led the learning process. The last one uses
through a research process, in a relatively autonomous way. Thus, “assignment projects” with first- and second-year students. These
it does not have a pedagogical planning since contents have been projects involve close-ended problems and rely partially in teacher-
previously given by teacher-centered strategies. The traditional controlled learning. After this first stage, students progressively
understanding could lead to instrumental and superficial learning face open-ended projects. The polytechnic school of the University
since the knowledge acquisition process is not the focus (Kolmos, of Aveiro (Portugal), adopted a similar model to the Twente Uni-
1996). In this case, the priority objective is not the acquisition of versity (Huet et al., 2007). Thus, each project has a set of ‘associated
new knowledge, but the development of skills. Current conception disciplines’ to support the project, which cover the basics scientific
of PLL, which has a pedagogical planning, could be considered an content. The project and the associated disciplines constitute the
evolution of the traditional methodology involving projects. In both so-called “thematic module” which is the core of the semester.
conceptions, traditional and modern, are valid the characteristics On the other hand, it can be also found examples in engi-
discussed by Helle et al. (2006), referring in turn, to the defini- neering where PLL has been used as a partial strategy within a
tion given by Adderley et al. (1975). The following ideas about this traditional study plan. In these partial approaches, PLL has its own
learning can be highlighted: (1) involves the solution of a complex objectives within the set of curriculum objectives. (Woods, 1996;
problem requiring knowledge that is part of the curriculum; (2) Cawley, 1991). For instance, at the University of Minho (Portugal)
requires an active role on the student’s part, where he/she takes an interdisciplinary approach was carried out in the first year
the initiative and carries out very diverse educational activities; of a Master program in Engineering and Industrial Management
(3) a final product is obtained (e.g. project report); (4) The work is (Fernandes et al., 2012, 2014). With a similar design to those pre-
developed over a long period of time; (5) the teacher takes a role viously described (although not every subject participated), these
as counselor/tutor throughout the process. authors showed an improvement in meaningful learning and stu-
It has pointed out that, the use of these strategies of active learn- dent’s involvement. Similarly, the University of Brasilia (Brazil),
ing is made much needed in engineering, especially due to the in its industrial engineering and management program, applied
different technological challenges that need to be solved (Bellmunt successfully PLL methodologies (Lima et al., 2017). For advanced
et al., 2006). Moreover, it was affirmed that they are required to students (last course of the master’s degree in Chemical Engi-
increase student participation and motivation (Smith et al., 2005) neering) the University of Seville designed a methodology where
and develop other skills such as leadership (Sancho et al., 2009). In a project design and formulation require running experiments
the case of “modern” PLL, there are additional features. For example, and combine bibliographic and experimental findings (Vega and
Powell and Weenk (2003) claim that PLE fosters active learning pro- Navarrete, 2018). All these studies together, prove the benefits of
cesses since students are to work in teams and face complex -more PLL in engineering courses and indicate the path to follow.
or less- open problems. Besides, the group of students must provide The objective of this work is to discuss the results obtained
a solution on the agreed date. The p̈roducts̈hows what they have by applying partial PLL strategies in a Unit Operations course in
learned and how they have achieved it. The fundamental difference Bioengineering degree. Only one subject was involved in the strat-
with the classic approach is that students make the diagnosis of egy. One unit operation of each topic was selected by the students
what they need to learn and perform activities of self-learning along and used in their projects. Each one was delivered through a PBL
with others that the teacher develops as required. In some studies, activity. After the intervention with this methodology, both aca-
teachers and course directors stated that PLE is an appropriate strat- demic performance and student satisfaction were assessed. The
egy to prevent high dropout rate (highly common in the first year main reason for adopting the strategy was to increase motivation,
of engineering), to promote learning and develop new skills in stu- meaningful learning, ’just-in-time’ education, the integrated appli-
dents (Powell and Weenk, 2003). Other authors, such as Schachterle cation of interdisciplinary knowledge and learning by doing.
and Vinther (1996) and Helen et al. (2006), also highlighted the
importance of active learning in these project-based approaches. 2. Methodology
Therefore, motivation grows along with other positive characteris-
tics. For instance, it is seen as an advantage the fact that students 2.1. University, degree and course
deal with real and open problems. Moreover, other authors found
that the contents became more interrelated, the motivation of the The degree of Bioengineering is offered by the Faculty of Bio-
students and the teacher job satisfaction increased (Lima et al., logical Sciences of the University of Concepción (Chile) having the
2007). Faculty of Engineering an important role in the Curriculum. Four
Notwithstanding, several authors have been critical on PLL when obligatory courses should be undertaken from the Department of
creative problems (very open) were used. Since in these cases it is Chemical Engineering. The Degree Profile highlights the capacity
not possible to design the contents or competences that students to carry out basic and applied research and to project the biolog-
A.M. Ruiz-Ortega et al. / Education for Chemical Engineers 29 (2019) 1–8 3

Fig. 1. Pedagogical strategy followed in the Unit Operations Course.

ical knowledge to the industrial field. The educational model of Table 1

Examples of theoretical questions.
the University of Concepción is based on learning outcomes and
focused on the development of competencies (generic and spe- Topic Theoretical question
cific). The continuous education offer of the University converges Fluid Flow Are gases more or less viscous than liquids? What are
with international trends, specifically with the Guidelines of the the consequences of this fact on the type of flow they
European Higher Education Space after the Bologna process. As it is develop?
known, through this process European institutions of higher educa- Fluid Flow What parameter should I calculate to see if cavitation
damage will occur in pumping equipment? What
tion have been urged to introduce new methodologies of teaching
values would indicate that there may be damage? If
and evaluation (Fernandes et al., 2012). these values are found what decision should I take to
The course Ünit operations in Bioengineering Iäim is to pro- avoid them?
vide basic fundamentals of engineering sciences, in particular of Fluid Flow Why should a centrifugal pump be primed?
Heat Flow Why is it necessary in a heat exchanger to calculate an
fluid mechanics and heat transfer, and their relationship with the
average driving force (Tml )?
associated unit operations that are presented in the processing of Heat Flow In the context of heat flow, can a stationary system be
biomaterials. The course has 4 credits and is imparted in the 2nd in contact with another system in a non-stationary
year of a 6-year curriculum. This course tributes to the following state? Please give an example.
competencies of the degree profile: Äbility to understand, solve and
suggest solutions to problems where exist fluid and heat transfer
in the bioprocess industry¨. The expected learning outcomes are: teacher-centered strategies were used, are presented and dis-
1) Identify the main units of measurement and physical proper- cussed. The number of students was 20–25 per year. Theoretical
ties related to the description of fluid and heat transfer behavior; and practice test grades were used to compare student’s perfor-
2) Describe the variables used in calculations of matter and energy mance. Theoretical tests consisted of written assays of 7 questions
balances, applied to fluids and heat transfer; 3) Understand and that sought to verify the level of understanding of fundamen-
apply the fundamental principles of static and fluid dynamics and tal knowledge (See Table 1). Six theoretical tests were carried
the interaction of these fluids with equipments involved in biolog- out, one for each topic, which were exactly the same for all the
ical/bioprocess systems; 4) Understand and apply to real problems courses. Practice tests consisted of 2 problems (See examples in
the fundamental principles of heat transfer in biological/bioprocess Table 2) that the students had to solve using mathematical cal-
systems; 5) Know the main equipments and engineering opera- culation software (Smath Studio). Problems involved basic design
tions involved in fluid mechanics and heat transfer; 6) Recommend of the different unit operations included in the curriculum of the
separation, mixing, fluid, heat transfer equipment according to the course (e.g.: fluid pumping, heat exchange, centrifugation opera-
plant’s operating needs tion, etc.). This evaluation scheme was the same for traditionally-
and PLL-delivered course. Statistical analysis of the data was car-
2.2. Intervention design ried out using the software Statgraphics centurion XVI. One-way
analysis of variance and multiple range tests (Fisher’s Least Signifi-
The methodology was based on applying a process of PLL (see cant Difference) were used to compare each data set. A confidence
Fig. 1) as a partial pedagogical strategy during a course of unit level of 95% and p values <0.05 were considered to be statistically
operations in Bioengineering. Results of a previous course, where significant.
4 A.M. Ruiz-Ortega et al. / Education for Chemical Engineers 29 (2019) 1–8

Table 2 (4), students’ teams faced each unit operation as a problem-based

Examples of practical questions.
activity (Fig. 1). They were required to self-diagnose what knowl-
Topic Practical question edge (physical processes, applied methods, industrial equipment,
Fluid Flow etc.) was required for the design. These contents were then deliv-
Heat Flow A cylindrical oil storage tank has a steel wall ered in class. For the second part of the report, the following parts
(k = 41.8 W/(m·K)) of 20 mm covered with 50 mm of
are required: (a) data for the design calculations -To do so stu-
fiberglass insulation (k = 0.027 BTU/(h· F·ft)). If the dents must have undertaken a bibliographic search and/or estimate
temperature of the oil is maintained at 150 ◦ C, a) what
values-; (b) Design algorithm; (c) Unit operation design parame-
is the rate of heat loss per meter of height in summer
(T = 25 ◦ C) and winter (T = 10 ◦ C); b) How much could ters, assuming specific needs for the bioprocess. In this last part,
the heat loss be reduced if the thickness of the the students had to develop charts where the steps involved the
fiberglass insulation was doubled?; c) If the system engineering design process were included.
that keeps the temperature constant on a cold winter
For the report, students were given a Template with the idea
day (T = 5 ◦ C) fails, how long would it take for the
center of the tank to reach 100 ◦ C if it did not have any of normalizing the projects and that all of them, once corrected
insulation? (Discard the losses through the top and the by the teacher, were shared by all the students. The grades were
bottom of the tank). DATA: tank radius =1 m; tank
calculated using an evaluation rubric provided at the beginning of
height =25 m; h = 5 W/(m2·K); Cp = 0.7 Kcal/ (kg· C); the course. There is also a percentage of the grades which consid-
␳(oil) =700 kg/m3; k(oil) =0.62 kcal/(h·m· C).
ers the performance within the group. This part is qualified by the
project’s team members. In addition, a preliminary survey was car-
Table 3 ried out and another one was completed at the end of the course
Description of the project calendar (Project’s Schedule). with the purpose of obtaining the students’ impressions and sug-
Milestone Week Description gestions regarding the methodology. Thus, students were asked to
indicate on a Yes-NO scale their knowledge about teaching method-
1 1 Methodology presentation
2 4 Submission of brief description of the ologies related to project/problem-based learning. After the course,
project where unit operations are a Likert-type scale was used to obtain their opinion on the method-
identified ology followed.
3 5 Feedback
4 10 Preliminary version of the project
5 11 Peer assessment and Feedback
6 14 Submission of the final project report
3. Results
7 15 Evaluation and Feedback

In the pre-course survey about the problem- and project-based

The proposed project was presented and explained to the methodologies, it was observed that 48% of the students affirmed
students in the first week of the course. A list of eligible bio- not to know PBL and few students doubted whether they knew it or
processes (e.g. insulin or biodiesel production) was provided on not (see Table 4). Regarding the PLL, there were more NS/NC (26.1%)
which students will be able to find the necessary information and 56.5% declared to know the methodology. However, 78.3%
for the design. Students organized themselves into groups and of the students indicated that they had received courses where
chose a bioprocess. The project calendar is described in Table 3. these methodologies were used. Finally, almost 80% of the stu-
They were asked to provide a brief report of the Bioprocess (1), dents declared themselves inclined to take courses where PLE was
a block flow diagram to illustrate the process, with inputs and applied, although only a 26.1% of the students indicated that they
output flow streams (2), a table containing the different unit would like to undertake a project within the course under study
operations and their classification according the property transfer (Table 4). On the other hand, the Likert-type questionnaire on satis-
operation involved (3), and a selection of two unit operations and faction showed very positive results. Satisfied students (valuations
their basic design (e.g. calculate flow rate and  in a centrifuge) 4 and 5) with the course were about 80% (Table 5). Similar percent-
(4). age was collected for the items where students were questioned
The project had two evaluation and feedback dates (Milestone if they thought they had learned more with this methodology and
3 and 5; Table 3). In the first one, students were asked for the first if they would like to receive more courses with PLL. However, sat-
3 points and Feedback is provided. In the second one, all the work isfied students’ percentage decreased to 65.2% when asked if they
is evaluated, and the changes and suggestions are indicated. The would like to receive all the courses following this methodology. In
whole class also delivers Feedback on all projects. In the last stage the latter item the percentage of undecided was 21.7%.

Table 4
Survey of previous knowledge about learning methodologies based on projects and problems.


Do you know the Problem-based learning (PBL) methodology? 47.8 47.8 4.3
Do you know the Project-led education? 56.5 17.4 26.1
Have you ever received any courses with any of these methodologies? 65.2 34.8 0
Would you like to receive courses following non-classical methodologies based on problems or projects? 78.3 8.7 13
Would you like to receive this course (OB-I) following non-classical methodologies that involve the realization of a group project? 26.1 60.9 13

Table 5
Satisfaction survey with the Project-led methodology at the end of the course.

Question 1 Very Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 agree 5 very agree

Are you satisfied with the course? 8.7 4.3 8.7 26.1 52.2
Do you think you’ve learned more using PLE methodologies? 4.3 4.3 8.7 26.1 56.5
Would you like to receive more courses using PLE methodologies? 4.3 8.7 4.3 47.8 34.8
Would you agree on a degree based completely on PLE methodologies? 4.3 8.7 21.7 39.1 26.1
A.M. Ruiz-Ortega et al. / Education for Chemical Engineers 29 (2019) 1–8 5

Fig. 2. Comparison of theoretical (a) and practical test grades (b) in control groups and groups where partial project-led strategies were used. Grades are in a 1–7 scale.

Table 6
Results from statistical tests.

One-way ANOVA

Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-ratio P-value

Between groups 51.59 2.00 25.80 21.35 0.0000

Within groups 61.62 51.00 1.21
Total (Corr.) 113.22 53.00

Multiple-range test (Fisher’s LDS; 95% confidence)

Source Cases Mean Homegeneous groups

Theoretical test grades Control 21.00 2.74 X

Theoretical test grades PLE 2017 13.00 4.59 X
Theoretical test grades PLE 2018 20.00 4.84 X

Multiple-range test (Contrast)

Source Significative Difference Limits

Theoretical test grades Control-Theoretical test grades PLE 2017 * −1.8479 0.778791
Theoretical test grades Control-Theoretical test grades PLE 2018 * −2.0921 0.689494
Theoretical test grades PLE 2017-Theoretical test grades PLE 2018 −0.2442 0.786201

Equality of Variances (Lavene’s Test)

Test P-value

Lavene’s 0.28178 0.755607

Red numbers indicate statistical significative difference.

With regard to the theoretical grades, in the case of the course PLL groups of 2017 and 2018 whereas there was difference among
where the PLL methodology was followed, an average of 4.6 ± 1.2 these groups and the control group (Fisher’s LDS; 95% confi-
and 4.8 ± 1.3 (on a 1–7 scale) was obtained for 2017 and 2018 stu- dence). However, no statistically significant difference was found
dents, respectively. Control groups had an average of 2.7 ± 0.8 (see in mean of the grades corresponding to the practice tests (ANOVA
Fig. 2a). ANOVA test conducted on the data revealed significant F-test; Table 6). Also, variances where equal (Lavene’s test; P-
difference between groups (Table 6; F-test; P-Value<0.05). Mul- Value>0.05). Notwithstanding, the mean was slightly higher for the
tiple range tests showed no differences in average grade among PLE group (see Fig. 2b). In this case the averages were 4.7 ± 0.9,
6 A.M. Ruiz-Ortega et al. / Education for Chemical Engineers 29 (2019) 1–8

4.7 ± 0.8 and 4.2 ± 0.9 for the intervened and control groups, expository methodologies. These authors pointed out as an addi-
respectively. tional result a greater ability to learn autonomously and a greater
persistence of the acquired knowledge. It could also be argued that,
having to go through the project during the course, students are
4. Discussion forced to review or reinforce the content seen in class earlier and
more regularly. However, from the theoretical tests’ responses, an
It can be said that PLL has become a favorable pedagogical improvement in the quality of the answers could be observed. In
model for teaching in engineering programs where students, many cases students responded to the question by adding examples
resembling what happens in professional engineering projects, or approaches not seen in the expository classes. In this sense, in a
work in groups to solve open problems. What clearly separates similar study developed by the Faculty of the Illinois Mathematics
the traditional conception of projects in engineering courses and Science Academy and the Chicago Academy of Science, it was
from PLL is the students’ self-diagnosis and the acquisition of observed that in addition to provide the correct answer in tests, stu-
knowledge for immediate application in the resolution of the dents were more able to write justifications for the chosen solution
problem (just-in-time learning). When traditional project-led (Gallagher et al., 1992). In addition, the obtained results were better
learning is applied, students acquire knowledge throughout the in aspects related to troubleshooting. Specifically, in the identifi-
years of their degree to be applied months or years later. This cation of necessary information, proposal of solutions and finding
means a greater effort for the student who, besides, will only focus information resources. In any case, as in the study described in this
on the specific aspects and knowledge required by the project work, active learning attitudes were promoted, so students were
in question and not the whole curriculum. In the cases where able to acquire autonomy and responsibility in their learning. These
PLL can be applied as an integral strategy, real Industrial Projects are also outcomes of PBL (Johari and Bradshaw, 2008). Another pos-
can even be considered. This provides an experience close to itive aspect found in the intervened courses was that the hours
the professional reality. In addition, it is possible to undertake of tutoring demanded by the students increased significantly. For
interdisciplinary projects grouping students from different areas instance, questions related with bibliography for the project, bibli-
or departments of engineering (Alptekin et al., 2006; Warmerdam, ography to expand concepts seen in class and general doubts about
2017). In all these cases, transversal key competencies that have the curriculum were raised. In theoretical classes, from the middle
been pointed out as essential are developed. For example, the of the semester, more attention and more questions were evident,
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) when as probably the students were aware what knowledge they would
adopted the Engineering Criteria 2000 pointed out several of these have to be applied to their projects. As was discussed previously,
skills. Criteria 2000 is used for accreditation in all engineering when PBL is applied, problems should be carefully chosen to cre-
degrees in USA. In this criterion, the following skills were included: ate a controlled pedagogical space (Blumenfeld et al., 1991). In the
teamwork, problem solving (identifying, diagnosing and solving), case of PLE, on top of that, projects could even comprise open prob-
effective communication, social responsibility, recognizing the lems in a real scenario. When using PLL (as a partial strategy) it
need of (and be able to) self-learning (ABET 2009, p. 18) simplified projects must be proposed. The monitoring of learning
In the traditional course experience (control group), the knowl- activities by the teacher is similar in all the cases. In our case, as PLL
edge was delivered in expository classes. Each topic was followed was only applied in one subject, the projects covered only aspects
by exercise-resolution classes and the majority of students were which were designed to lead to close-ended problems.
able to respond satisfactorily to the exercises posed to them. This With the conduct of a survey, the students’ opinion about the
also happened for students of PLL courses, although in this case stu- process was inquired (see Table 5). The pre-course survey allowed
dents were previously asked to think with their groups about what noting that the better-known methodology was project-led learn-
knowledge they require for the project (self-diagnose). Contrary to ing (PLE, in the survey), although subsequent responses called into
what was expected, improvements were obtained in the theoretical questioning this fact (Table 4). It is probable that the students
grades and not in the practice ones. The traditional methodology indicated that they knew the methodology by certain degree of
used in class to learn how to solve case studies appears to be ade- confusion because the word “project” is used in many contexts. This
quate and sufficient for simple examples, such as those used in can be deduced from the fact that they indicated their willingness
our evaluations. However, the purely expository classes of theoret- to take courses with the methodology (approx. 80%) whereas, at the
ical concepts are less effective than the combination of these and same time, they indicated mostly the opposite when asked about
the PLL. The proposed partial strategy sought meaningful learning the inclusion of a group project in the current course (approx. 60%).
and increased motivation. When exposed to the problem-complex In summary, the students were mostly not favorable to the pro-
project, students pass through a more or less long phase of con- posed methodology, but after the course they were satisfied (80% of
fusion and little or no confidence in their ability to cope with satisfaction, see Table 5). Moreover, in a high percentage, students
the resolution of the project. Since these students had not much stated that they would like the methodology to be applied in other
experience with PBL, when the unit operation design problem was courses. However, given the question of whether they were prone
presented to them, they thought that they were supposed to know to have all the courses dictated with the PLE methodology, the
how to do it. Some of them revised previous subjects and look for percentage of willing students dropped to 62.3%. Approximately
information prior the class. In general, in the traditional approach, 23% indicated doubts about this. Rodríguez Sandoval and Cortés
students learn to solve the exercises by memorizing the resolu- Rodríguez (2010) registered in studies with similar methodologies
tion algorithm without understanding fundamental aspects of the very high satisfaction in 60% of students, high satisfaction in 30%
curriculum. This was evident by the results of the practice tests and only a 10% of students answered with low satisfaction. Simi-
(where statistically significant difference was not observed) and larly, in the study of Willard and Duffrin (2003) PLE improved the
the theoretical tests in the control course. Theoretical exams do declared satisfaction in students who attended an “Introduction to
not cover a lot of content, so 1 or 2 days of study time are sufficient. Foodc̈ourse. This experience, which contained elements of com-
It is more probable, then, that the cause of the improvement in the petition, was perceived as entertaining by both the students and
grades is that in PLL schemes it is necessary to reflect and under- the teacher. According to the same authors, this would also have
stand the contents. Similar conclusion was obtained by Mioduser positive repercussions for future professionals who would be more
and Betzer (2008) when PLL was applied. They found better qual- capable of facing real situations where complex problem-solving
ifications with respect to control groups that followed classical and new knowledge acquisition skills are required. Additional
A.M. Ruiz-Ortega et al. / Education for Chemical Engineers 29 (2019) 1–8 7

advantages of using PLL are that teamwork is encouraged (Mesquita References

et al., 2009) whereas dropout rate and poor performance in fresh-
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