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1. Yourself has a business that will empower people over 65 to get exercise every day.

How might his business look if it only delivered products and not services? How would it
look if it only delivered services? Which characteristics of his target market are reflected
in your answers?
2. Discuss the importance of creating a business plan to determine the specific products
and services for a new business. Proem example of a product offering to illustrate the
relationship between the product offering, the target market, and the marketing
3. José is a young entrepreneur working on his first business plan. José’s business mentor
is clarifying the parts of a business plan. How could his mentor explain the purpose of
the Executive Summary and its relationship to the other sections of the business plan?
4. After developing a business why should an entrepreneur write a business plan? How
might the plan be used and how might that change over time?
5. Emily’s business plan is complete and she’s all set to present her speck to a group of
interested investors next week. As she thinks about delivering her presentation, what
kind of active listening strategies will be useful for her performance, and why?

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