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Week 7

Conversation With Friends

Duque Molina Tatiana Andrea

Ingles III
Professor Nelson Alonso Mendez García

Fundación Universitaria del área Andina

Marketing en Negocios
March 2023

Homework: What are their plans?

Objective: The student is able to describe his/ her future plans using specific details of time
and activities.

Writing Activity

1. Writing Activity 1. Write two short paragraphs. Describe your future plans for vacations or
holidays. What are your plans? Who are you going with? What will you do?

My vacation plans.

My favorite plan is to share quality time with the people I love the most.
I will travel to my mom and grandmother's house, the house is in the countryside, there is a
lot of peace and tranquility there.

I will go jogging in the morning with my boyfriend.

I'm going to the movies with my sisters.
I'm going shopping with my friends.
I will watch soap operas with my grandmother.
I will cook with my mom.
I will be resting at home, but I will also study.
I will not travel, but I will be very happy to be with my family and my little dog Milo.

Speaking Activity

Activity: Make a video ( YOUTUBE) of you talking about your vacation or holidays plan.

● Prepare a video of 1 minute and 30 seconds

● Complement you speech with real pictures
● Show your self talking.
● Avoid reading. Your speech needs to be natural
● Keep good pronunciation


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