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12 Tweets • 2023-02-07 •  See on Twitter 

98% of people aren’t using their brain to their full


Here’s how to unleash your brain and learn any

subject 10x faster:

1. Learn how to learn.

Why work hard with a dull blade when you can work
smarter with a sharp one?

Learning *how* to learn is like sharpening a saw.

Anything you learn afterwards will be 10x easier.

2. Learn in a positive emotional state.

How you feel when you’re learning something controls

how well you learn it.

The worst state to learn in? Boredom.

Learn in states like joy, passion, and excitement to

activate your long-term memory.

3. Believe you can learn anything.

You can only learn what you believe you can learn.

If you say, “I’m terrible with names,” that becomes


No matter how hard you try or how many strategies

you use, if the belief doesn’t change — nothing will.
4. Know what works for you.

To learn better, you need to know what strategies

work best for *you*.

Try every learning technique, keep only the best.

There is no one-size-fits-all to learning.

5. Use a beginner’s mind.

Assume you don’t already know everything about a

subject, so you have the chance to learn something

Your mind is like a parachute — it only works when it’s

6. Get involved.

The human brain doesn’t learn by consuming

information, it learns by creating information.

Take notes, ask questions, and actively participate in


Learning is not a spectator sport.

7. Teach.

When you learn something knowing you’ll have to

teach it to someone else later, you learn better.

You take better notes. You have better focus. You ask
better questions.

Teach what you learn, and you’ll learn better.

8. Access your inner child.

Children are the fastest learners.

Luckily, we can access our inner child at any time.

Our older self limits us, but our inner child only sees
possibility. Tap into that.

This thread was inspired by Jim Kwik’s excellent


Watch the full masterclass here:

To unleash your brain’s full capacity:

1. Learn how to learn.

2. Learn in a positive emotional state.
3. Believe you can.
4. Know yourself.
5. Beginner’s mind.
6. Learn actively.
7. Teach others.
8. Inner child.

If this thread helped you,

1. Follow us @gtschool to learn more about how to

reach your highest potential.

2. RT the first tweet of this thread to share it with

someone else:

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